Monday, February 6, 2017
" HEY ! GET REAL ! "
" Hey ! Get real ! "
" Them is fight'n words."
They can, however, be wonderfully invitational.
Richard Rohr's email today is just that.
He invites us to be contemplatives,
people who grow past
"surface seeing"
( and feeling , and living )
to meeting what "is" underneath it all in life, aka
It's an invitation to filter free aliveness.
Contemplation opens the door,
turns on the lights,
so we can shake hands with actual
In confusing and conflicted times like these
that's a peach of a prize!!
Excerpt from Richard Rohr's daily email, 6 February 2017:
Contemplation is meeting as much reality as you can handle in its most simple and immediate form-without filters, judgements, or commentaries. The ego doesn't trust this way of seeing, which is why it is so rare, "a narrow gate and a hard road that leads to life, and only a few find it (Matthew 7:14, NJB). The only way you can contemplate is by recognizing and relativizing your own compulsive mental grids-your practiced ways of judging, critiquing, blocking, and computing everything.
When your judgmental mind and all its commentaries are placed aside, God finally has a chance to get through to you, because your pettiness and self-protective filters are at last out of the way. Then Truth stands revealed on its own.
Richard Rohr's daily email is free.
I highly recommend it.
Just Google:
Center for Action and Contemplation
So, " Hey ! Get real ! "
It'll be "really" good.
Happy we could share.
Holding you in
God's Dear Love,
John Frank