Thursday, September 17, 2020


        This is the second of our

             Fall Series


             Living out

    The Sermon on the Mount

This posting builds on last week's


       which is available 

    by scrolling down here

           or going to


         (Right column)



Dear All of Us,

Joe Cerone was our mayor.

He was also a delight.

Whenever we'd meet 

on the street, in a store, 

at an event, it was ritual.

I'd say:

    "Good to see you, Joe."

He'd say:

    "Good to be seen."

We'd both smile a delight.

Jesus pretty much greets us 

in same such delight.

   "You are the light of the world...

    let your light shine before others, 

    so they may see your good works 

    and give glory to 

    your Father in heaven."

                    Matthew 5: 14 and 16

         "Good to be seen."

How does that sit with you?

What's your take here?

Is Jesus contradicting himself?

Is Jesus being illogical,

posing apparently polar opposites?

How does 

"Let your light shine 

 before others

 so that they may see 

 your good works..."  

 - good to be seen -

jive with markedly different  

leads from Jesus?

Sayings such as:

   "Beware of practicing your piety 

    before others in order 

    to be seen by them...

    So, when you give to the needy, 

    don't sound a trumpet before you...

    don't let your left hand know 

    what your right hand is doing..." 

                         Matthew 6: 1-3

   "And whenever you pray, 

    do not be like the hypocrites; 

    for they love to stand 

    in the synagogues 

    and at street corners, 

    so that they may be 

    seen by others...

    But whenever you pray, 

    go into your room,  

    shut the door and pray 

    to your Father 

    who is in secret..."

                       Matthew 6: 5-6

      "Good to be seen"?



Well, Jesus is like a diamond.

There are all sorts of 

varied and exquisite facets 

to him and his teaching.

Variations in unison.

They are neither competing,

nor contradictory, but rather,

wondrously complimentary

    in paradoxical unity.

There's a greater truth here than 

our sometimes limited logic allows.

Let's take a comparison from 

the Hebrew scriptures.

The Song of Songs sings, there's

  "...a time to be born 

   and a time to die

   ...a time to weep, 

   and a time to laugh...

             Ecclesiastes 3: 2 and 4

There are countless 

facets and fashions to life,

many quite different,

even apparently distinct.

Seen in their unified fullness,

they do not contradict,

but blend in the paradox 

of life's wholeness. 

       For sure,

"Life is larger than logic" 

and infinitely more so is


He expands beautifully beyond 

the limits of our efforts at logic.

And what about how much 

Jesus is asking of us?

"You are the light 

 of the world."

OK, for sure most of us 

are brighter than 

a sixty watt bulb, 

but we're certainly 

not chandeliers.

Much less do we have 

world wattage.

    But Jesus does!

          He is 

 "the light of the world."

       John 8:12

He draws us unto himself,

into his intensity, and

is radiant through us.

As disciples we 

don't generate the light.

We accept it, live it and share it

in the here and now 

of our time and place 

in the world.

"You are the light 

 of the world."

The mystic saint,

Hildegard of Bingen,

saw The Holy One as

"The Living Light."

In that Light we live, 

glow, grow, give.

We radiate God in all 

the moments and motions 

of our days and ways.

The disciple lives in Jesus

and with Jesus for others.

Shrinking, safe, stay at home 

     spirituality it is not.

       "Jesus and me" 

        no way, never!

 "Jesus, us, me for you"

 all the way all the time! 

All the ways we live as disciples

are to "delight" others - 

light up for them 

The Road to Right Real - 

God and The Kingdom,

Authenticity, Reality.

Like light, we don't exist 

just for ourselves.

Light makes it possible to see.

That's what we do for others 

in our way and place.

Our living throws light 

for them to see 

The Right and Real,

and the brilliant difference 

it all makes.

What wonder!

What connectivity.

What divine current!

See/sense the disciple's light,

union, trust and commission.

By being the light of the world 

right where we live

and as we live,

we radiate God Goodness.

In us others have 

flesh and blood,

living breathing examples,

of life in Jesus and The Kingdom.

      We High Lite 

the good and true in life.

People get to see God Life 

in the light of our living it.

And that is all the more obvious 

and convincing for the

    faults and frailty 

    of who and how 

    we are so far.

God Light shines through

the limits of our darkness.

In other words, 

disciples have bad hair days

even if they're bald.

Come to think of it, 

even  a chrome dome  

can be shinny bright!!

There's such variety 

in how and where 

we live this wonder -

all sorts of settings 

and scenarios.

We're varied facets of the

     Jesus Diamond.

There's Francis of Assisi.

There's Craenie 

(from last week's blog).

There's Mother Theresa,

There's my Mom.

There's the dedicated teacher 

and coach at school.

There's the couple 

giving their all to raise a family.

There's the principled politician.

There's the elderly full of 

gratitude and deep in prayer.

There's the farmer employing

environmentally appropriate 

approaches to earth, sky, livestock.

There's the supermarket worker 

risking health to serve.

The key here is to really, 

actually, functionally,

in head, heart, and behavior,

be a disciple, a learner,

to get with the program,

which really isn't 

at all a program.

Way fuller than that, 

     it's a person 


"The Light of the world."

As Paul put it,

     "I live now not I 

      but Christ lives 

      in me."

       Galatians 2:20

We don't have to 

"try harder" at all,

just accept ever more, 

genuinely and fully.

That's a lot more and better 

than just "Going to church"

and letting it go at that.

Just belonging to a church

is not yet discipleship,

not yet being

  "Salt of the earth"

  "Light of the world"

Accepting Jesus call 

and gift of intimacy,

a life of discipleship, 

is way better. 

We get:

     - to live as resident aliens 

       on our way to Fullness

     - to live out all the 

       "best practices"

            of the 

        Sermon on the Mount

        Matthew 5:1 to 7:29

     - to live a life style simple, caring, 

       generous and communal

     - to forego the hellish loneliness 

       of self absorption and 

       so much better, work  for the 

              Common Good

    - to come alive giving life 

      to those with whom 

      we are plugged into 

      the same circuitry/sphere 


    - to be brightened, 

      enlightened in just that

         (them and us)

     - to be objective 

       and truth based   

       in this postmodern era 

       were both are degraded 

       and disregarded 

       in favor of what 

       Stephen Colbert terms


        (truth - thin - ness)

          It claims that

          reality, truth is 

          what I feel/say it is-

          tries to makes you 

          your own god, 

          determining reality.

      - to sink endlessly 

        into the sea divine 

        and soar without limit 

        into the sky sacred.

        The Message

translates the scriptures into

our everyday talk because

they were originally written 

in that mode and manner.

Over the centuries the scriptures 

were domesticated, even dimmed, 

by translating them into formal,

rather staid, starched "properness".

       The Word of God, 


         People Talk

"God is not a secret to be kept.

We're going public with this,

as public as a city on a hill.

If I make you light-bearers,

you don't think I'm going to hide 

you under a bucket, do you?

I'm putting you on a light stand.

Now that I've put you there

on a hilltop, on a light stand -


Keep open house,

be generous with your lives.

By opening up to others,

you'll prompt people  

to open up with God,

this generous Father 

in heaven."

     The Message

   Matthew 5:14-16

        OH YAH!


   Good to be seen.

   God to be seen.

You're a sight for sore eyes.

 You're a sight to see!

       Bright On!

      John Frank



Jesus tells us we are


  Salt  and light

Matthew 5:13-16

What's that look like

when I peer into 

the mirror of me?

How zesty, salty,

bright and light

is the life and doing

of the church I attend?

Who and what holds 

me back from a 

     full yes

to discipleship?

How and what helps 

me  embrace a 

    full yes

to discipleship? 

How can I 

go for broke 

and be enriched

enriching as a disciple



If you are new here, 

you are welcome here,

and we are blessed.

   A very special 


    to all in the 

    large groups 

of first timers this week 





Great to be with you!


Thanks so much for sharing

with family, friends 

and colleagues our weekly 

time together here at

       "frankly speaking"

   spirituality for the street

- it goes online mid-day 

         each Thursday

       east coast USA time

- is available each Friday 

  by automatic email delivery 

  sign up top right above

- past postings are available at

            Blog Archive

           right column

       Have a brilliant week 

           helping Jesus 

         turn up the lights.

       See you Next Week!
