Thursday, October 22, 2020


Given the temper of the times,

and that has more than one meaning,

we do well to deal with immediate urgencies.

Hopefully we will soon continue our series

                  FOLLOW THROUGH



Dear All of Us,

Please permit the personal.

You and all the folks 

who are part of our weekly 


here  at "frankly speaking"

are front and center with me.

I think of you every day and a lot.

Even more and better,

I hold each and everyone in prayer.

I join God in loving you.

I do not know all of you by name.

I do know all of you in my heart.

As an old man and 

not altogether retired pastor,


are very much my concern 

and my virtual parish.

As I join in with God

looking around our little parish 

here at "frankly speaking",

and the one just outside 

my door here in Washington DC,

and the one spread worldwide,

what I see and hear and feel are

       upset, uncertainty, 

       fear, fright, fatigue.

It registers in all sorts of ways.

A few examples.

Do any come close to how you feel

and what you sense in others 

where you are?

    - "I'm sick and tired 

      of being sick and tired 

      of all this damn craziness.

      So, the hell with 

      patience and caution! 

      Let's go dancing.

      Enough is enough."

  - "This just isn't fair!

      I play by the rules.

      I'm busy raising kids,

      I work hard and have put together

      a good portfolio to safeguard our family

      and now this madness!!

      Will the market hold?

      Will the government hold?

      Will my kids get a good education?

      Will we ever find a safe way to socialize 

      with our relatives and friends?

      Will we ever get back to regular church?



   - "Man, I'm almost out of gas.

       I'm a single parent.

       I was just making it with rent and food.

       Then Pandemic.

       No school for for my children. 

       Job for me

       Now I need to leave my kids home alone

       if we are going to hold on.

       That scares the live'n heck out of me.

    - "I'm old and the thought of COVID

       sending me off to the hospital

       to die a painful death without my family

       has me tensed all the time."

    -"Oh, it's not as bad as the media makes it.

      Once we get past this election 

      and have a vaccine things will settle down."

            (in case you read that too fast,

             it's naked fear dressed in dense denial

             and it just isn't gonna go like that)

So just how do we go then?

We go deep spiritually and that together,

or we go down in turmoil

and in shared and tragic company.

No magic fix religion intended here.

Rather, a for real embrace of 

       The Embrace 

        is essential.

Call that Embrace what you like:

Allah, God, Yahweh, Vishnu, 

Your Own Divine Nature, The Great Spirit.

The hymn, God of Many Names, has it right.

Take your pick.

In fact, we do well to emulate the ancient Jews.

They referred to it as The Utterly Other One.

They didn't dare try to name or define.

Way better, they breathed

   The Breath of Life 

   in and out -

   all consonant sounding as 

   Yah-weh, Yah-weh.

By whatever name or no name, 

the reference is to

   - that which holds us together, 

   - that which is the creative force 

     and energy of the universe

   - that which is bedrock Reality

   - that which is Substance of substance

   - that which is the baseline Being 

     in which so many and much "be" 

   - that which is really and fortunately 

     beyond sufficient naming

     or possible grasping

At best, name is a tiny handle 

we fashion by which we try

to get a bit of a hold 

on how to think about that 

which holds us and all in existence.

That's were we go spiritually deep.

It's impossible to name or grasp.

It's wonderous to experience.

My personal little "handle" is from 

the ancient Greeks:

 -  "mysterion" - a reality so vast that

     the  human mind alone 

     cannot grasp it, but rather 

     can only describe

     the tiniest portion experienced  - 

     it's like the Pacific Ocean - 

    it's real and really impossible to grasp 

    by hand or eye - 

    just can't take it all in -

    what is possible, though,

    is to see the sea we're in

    and enjoy the swim.

Rumi said we are a drop in the ocean

and the ocean is in the drop.

In my Christian experience it goes by


Breath of Life, Energy, The Dynamic.

In this terribly conflicted and

dangerous time, accepting

ever more fully and deeply 

       THE EMBRACE, 

steadies and strengthens.

It doesn't make everything "nice nice".

It doesn't take away the pain.

It does give the energy 

to deliver the baby.

To mix the metaphor, we all need 

to midwife each other 

(we macho sorts need to get used to it -

 our existence and everybody else's 

 depends on it).

To fuss with metaphor 

one last time - I promise -

we go into the love chamber

and let

      The Embrace 

have us all the way in, 

love us to Life, 

then we go out and deliver

the life sparked in us.

We don't dare lone wolf it.

We make sure to get together 

with folks who are

     "all in" 

We  personalize 

oneness with 


and we share 

all the deliveries 

of life that are birthed.

To put all this "speciousness" 

in the vernacular, it means 

       private prayer 


  spiritual community.

We open to fulfillment in prayer,

like Jesus when he went off 

to be wrapped up with his Abba.

We make sure our preferred 

spiritual (energy) gathering

- church, synagogue, 

  mosque, temple, society -

  is for real and has 

  honest energy (Spirit ) to it.

  If it doesn't, time to make haste 

  and get the hell out of the illusion.

  We plug in where there is current!

On our own and with others,

we face facts these hard days 

and dark nights, frightening as some are.

A lot of our comfortable assurances 

have vaporized, not to return.

It's on to new realities, 

and like getting used to 

a pair of new shoes.

That may take some time 

and mean discomfort,

but we'll make a go of it.

We're a lot more fragile 

than we assumed.

That's sure a reality check 

we're being forced 

to face and pay.

We accept that we're 

becoming, not arrived.

We see what's our actual now 

and know we'll get banged 

against the wall of what is

if we don't.

That is not to settle for a failed fate.

It is to go through the painful birthing

of our new now.

This going deep spiritually will present 

and power in all sorts of varied ways.

We'll rejoice in the wonders all about us.

Where I am that includes 

a divine palate of autumn color.

We'll let others help us 

and we return the lift.

We'll find new ways to travel and connect.

For me that's more books than ever, 

the internet for concerts, lectures, and travels 

to museums and distant lands, 

The PBS Evening News and Encore,

ZOOM visits, periodicals, 

phone and email sharings,

a daily walk in our beautiful 

neighborhood and parks. 

Like the early Christians in Rome

we find ways to avoid being fed

to the lions for lunch. 

We discover our own versions of 

catacomb community and communion.

We face the danger before us 

and refuse to deal with 

the thousands of dangers 

that could/might befall us.

For us in DC that means 

not to worry weary 

that there may be 

civil distress in our streets

around and following the election.

Of course, we make sure 

to have some canned beans 

and flashlights at the ready.

If it happens, we'll help 

each other cope,

share our beans and lights. 

What's it like where you are?

If going forward we get more restricted 

time and place wise,

we'll write poems and paint pictures.

We'll platy cards and board games.

We'll record our family history.

We'll write letters.

We'll take naps.

We'll tutor students.

We straighten out closets, attics,

garages and basements.

We'll call and comfort 

the elderly and home bound.

What we won't do is 

just roll over and die

in any way, at any time.

We will live different, but we will live!

In short, we'll face any lemons 

that come our way 

and do our darnedest 

to squeeze out some lemonade.

We'll do our best even when 

we already know 

it's not really going to be enough.

We'll live the reality 

that we are a pilgrim people

and that we have here 

not a lasting kingdom.

We'll accept it's a rocky road 

and know that it goes 

somewhere wonderful.

We'll keep going, 

help others do the same,

let them help us til we all

get to the real promised land,

not the one politicians, pundits, 

blind guides in media and market

push and promote.

Thanks for letting me share 

this rather candid 

and rambling run on

in free flow from my love for you.

We'll get where we need to be.

We'll get there together.

We'll get there powered by 


        Your Brother

         John Frank


    If you are new here, 

       we are blessed.



      "frankly speaking" 

  spirituality for the street

-is posted each Thursday

 by mid-day, east coast USA time

-arrives by automatic email delivery

 each Friday - sign up above right

-Blog Archive contains all past postings

 bottom right column above.

   "Abide in me as I abide in you.

