This is the sixth in our
Fall Series
living out
The Sermon On The Mount
Dear All of Us,
Here in Washington, DC,
there are thousands of homeless people.
They have little to no money at all.
Many sleep on the street,
a few just one block from where I live.
There are, though, many other and different
homeless here in DC.
They make north of enough,
some up to six figures,
often way more.
They sleep in comfortable adequate
to pricey luxurious digs.
Across the neighborhoods of living,
a lot of people are homeless in
that latter manner.
They have housing,
but just aren't at all at home
with self and God, neighbor and nature.
Instead they dwell at the thin edges of
awareness and potential,
distracted to dulled ennui.
There's yet another group of homeless.
They don't have any sort of
a set, solid home base.
They move around a lot.
They locate in various states of
consciousness, values and practices,
seeking to be settled,
wanting to be at home
but are not all "home safe"
anywhere near yet.
Happily, whatever our
circumstance and situation,
we all are invited to be
deeply and completely
"Live in me.
Make your home in me
just as I do in you...
I've loved you the way
my Father has loved me.
Make yourselves at home
in my love...
I've told you these things
for a purpose:
that my joy might be your joy,
and your joy wholly mature."
John 15:4,9,11
What an offer!
Price tag:
Move in date:
Lease details:
"When Jesus saw his ministry
drawing huge crowds,
he climbed a hillside.
Those who were apprenticed
to him, the committed,
climbed with him.
Arriving at a quiet place,
he sat down and taught
his climbing companions.
This is what he said..."
Matthew 5:1- 2
What he said and says
to those who are "all in",
to his disciples then and now,
is what we know as
The Sermon On The Mount.
One way and many it speaks
the same simple truth:
Live and act
from your Center.
abides there.
Jesus invites us to be
right at home in him.
"Live in me."
Jesus is already at home in us
and invites us to come on in,
invites is to join him there.
"Make your home in me
just as I do in you."
Jesus loves us as the Father loves him -
that's a lot of love!
Actually it's love without limit -
good reason to hurry on home!
"I've loved you the way
my Father has loved me."
Jesus is "move in ready" for us.
" Make yourselves
at home in my love."
Jesus tells us why he shares all this.
"I've told you these things
for a purpose:
that my joy might be your joy,
and your joy
may be wholly mature."
What we most crave,
that for which we were created,
that which is our fulfillment
- divine union -
dwells, is centered, at our Center
- GodLove -
We really need to be there as well!!
Then from that home base
we live out GodLove
here on the streets of everyday life.
We live it from our deepest inside
all the way out, in full bore, practical
living and loving.
All the particulars of
The Sermon On The Mount
are eminently practical,
lived expressions of pure
and that right from our Center.
The energy, the dynamic, the thrust,
is Good/God flowing through us.
We don't create the energy.
We simply can't.
But we can accept it.
Of course that can only happen
if we are there at The Center,
at home, "abiding" in God/Good
and not out on that
thin edge of reality,
stuck in faux living,
not flipping houses
of consciousness,
values and practice.
So we spend time,
we lavish attention,
on Jesus and life
at home in him.
We do this through
presence, prayer
and meditation -
Heart Huddle.
The Sermon On The Mount
is a blueprint for
vigorously living "out"
our "in home" life as disciples.
See the sequence
( Matthew 5:1 - 7:27 ).
It highlights:
- eight attitudes/stances/approaches
to blessed/happy living
- being a beacon to Kingdom living,
making a noticeable difference
as salt of the earth,
light of the world
- peaceful love beyond anger
- purity beyond lust
- constancy beyond divorce
- simple truth beyond talked contrivance
- enemy embrace beyond retaliation
- people love beyond
enemy limits and lines
- quiet, no frills sharing
- praying as Dad Time
- two directional forgiveness
- freshened fasting
- heavenly treasure trove
- eye bright for the light
- worry free aliveness
- judgement free times two
- sacred safeguarded
- just ask lavishness
- other and self - the same,
The Gold Standard
- GPS precision,
Road Right Living
- product speaks producer
- Will Do Doing
- rock solid base
The Sermon On The Mount
isn't just a Jesus transcript
folded into the Bible.
It's a living, right now
walk through with Jesus
on how to live out
from our Center,
on how to abide in Him,
be at home in Him,
and then with/in Him
hit the streets of everyday life.
as his disciples living Love
in the attitudes and actions
of our daily life.
The Sermon On The Mount
is Jesus being
Life Coach
for us, we who are
the "apprenticed,
the "committed,"
his "climbing companions."
No matter our neighborhood or income,
Jesus invites us to move on in with him
and be
With much love,
Your home mate,
John Frank
All the scripture quotations today
are drawn from The Message.
Thanks and Welcome
to all our first time visitors.
This week we enjoyed
a substantial uptick
from first timers right here in the USA.
It's great to team up with you.
Please continue to let others know
of our togetherness each week here at
"frankly speaking"
spirituality for the street
- it is posted each Thursday by mid-day
east coast USA time
- it is available by automatic email delivery
on Fridays
the sign up is top right above
- all past postings are available at
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Here's to a great week very much
Center Self and Out and About
With Jesus.
Looking forward to
seeing you next week!!