Dear All of Us,
OK, let's take Jesus
at his word.
After all, he is
The Word
made, well, in our mix.
Jesus puts into words
what opens us,
immerses us,
in the wordless wonder
of God.
Let's hear him out
as he gives us the in,
as he gives us the word,
on prayer.
Jesus puts it like this
Matthew 6:5-8
Jesus On
- come on now
no showing off,
no praying to the crowd
- step away
- close the door,
go inward,
open to intimacy
Jesus On
Word Count
- less is more
- keep it to
a few choice words
like these.
Anew we hear, reflect, respond
to these few choice words of Jesus.
Matthew 6: 9-13
"Our Father..."
- You are father of us all,
but right now
I'm so glad for this
One on one with you,
You and me,
Daughter Dad
Father Son
- You are
The Source
of me, of my living
and of all that is
- You are my
(American English)
lap cozy comfortable,
delighting in me
your child
"...who is in heaven..."
- you are zoned
Limitless Real
Limitless Love
"Hallowed be your name..."
- sacred is who and how you are
"Your kingdom come..."
- Your's is the
Realm Real
- "Bring it on.
Count me in."
"Your will be done,.."
- "Your way all the way."
"On earth as in heaven..."
- here and now
- right and real
"Give us this day
our daily bread..."
- we know who bakes our bread
- we count on your
enriching sustenance
"And forgive us our depts..."
- in your reality we repent
of our unrealities
- forgive us
("give - for - us")
what we lost in sin
" we have forgiven
our debtors."
- we're so into forgiveness
that we've bought in with you
and made it a spacious wide
two-way avenue to unity
"And do not lead us
into temptation,
but deliver us from evil."
- we count on you and your GPS
to steer us Spirit Straight
"For yours is the kingdom..."
- your "kin-domain" is our homeland
"...and the power..."
- you are the torque and dynamic
of all that is
"... and the glory..."
- our sun is but a match to the
brilliance and radiance,
the intense Good
that you are
- there's no expiration date
on any of this."
- "Yes, yes!" in Hebrew
and very much so
in my heart
- this is how it is,
was and
always will be
- we have your Word on it!
Really wonderful to share
together words from
The Word
speaking us into the
sacred silence of God's
wordless wonder.
John Frank
frankly speaking
spirituality for the street
posted Wednesday afternoons
east coast USA time
available Friday
east coast USA time
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Blessings on us all,
on all that touches us
and all that we touch.
Paradox Prayer
First off
go off to sacred still.
This is definitely intimate space.
No stadium show.
Skip social media
and its swamp of words.
Few words, vast meaning.
After all, we have
God's Word
on it