Wednesday, March 22, 2023


Dear All of Us,

Well, here we are in 

the home stretch of Lent.

And Lent sure is 

a stretch isn't it

a stretch

as in work out, 

as in heavy lifting,

working out life's


Let's have a go at that,

do a work out together

right here, right now.

A couple have 

a lovely wedding.

Two days into 

the honeymoon

one comes down 

with the flu

in its full fury 

for a fortnight.

You did really well in college,

landed a great job with 

an up-and-coming company.

Your career and compensation 

rode the company's crest.

Then the by out and you're out,

out on a limb with 

two college ripe kids 

and a hefty monthly mortgage.

The earth quakes and cracks.

Buildings crash down and

fifty thousand people   

are crushed to death

in Turkey/Syria.

So why all the downs in life?

Can we ever get up 

and stay up?

Put otherwise, 

how cope with 

screw ups that down,

with the deadening downers of

evil, pain and suffering?

Lent looks at that and 

sees Jesus come at it

in all its unrealness, 

with the pure power of 


       God Being

       God Energy

       God Love

Jesus gets down and dirty


       LOVE LIFT 

  from deadly downs.

He's still at it,

dying to evil, 

rising to life.

And it's not a 

one and done deal,

it's not a solo act either.

Jesus teams up with us

and counts on us.

Together we power through,

with nothing less than the

        Utter Reality 


        Divine Love

that absorbs and transforms

the chaos of suffering and pain,

righting the wrong,

purifying the polluted,

uplifting the downed,

reviving the deadened.

Some of all this we understand.

Much of this we can't figure.

Some of it works through

right away.

Some of it takes longer 

than our earth years 

to work through.

A good friend turns out 

to be neither.

We don't annihilate.

     We wait 

in pain and love.

We are in Soul Solidarity

with the people of Ukraine.

We feel, we hurt, not like them 

but for and with them.

For Lent we don't 

just give up a 

convenience or comfort.

We give up in Jesus

all we can to uplift.

We give, give big time 

and for real.

It could mean giving 

a foster child 

a home and family.

It could mean

having the church crank 

over for dinner and cards.

It could mean noticing 

the conflicted teen on the bus

and holding him in 

heartfelt love and prayer.

It could mean 

realizing and admitting that 

what we publish as personality

is way different than 

the inside and actual edition

we are so far.

We get some 

soul care and help 

with that.

It could and should mean

doing all we can,

where we are,

as we are, 

for social justice

by living it

before we talk it.

It could mean challenging

established religion

to get real,

really simple 

and simply spiritual.

Jesus didn't suffer, 

die and rise.




dying and rising

right here, right now

and he wants 




How about every day 

for the next week

       or more

we slowly, soulfully

ponder pray over 

these scriptures?

We just take a phrase

or sentence at a time.

- What is the idea, 

  the insight, here?

- What is being revealed 

  through it?

- What does it mean for our

  attitude and action?

- What are the implications for

  our spiritual small group?

Do you not know that all of us 

who have been baptized 

into Christ Jesus were baptized 

into his death? 

Therefore we have been 

buried with him by baptism 

into his death, so that, 

just as Christ was raised 

from the dead 

by the glory of the Father, 

so we too might live 

a new life.  

     Romans 6: 3-4

...I have been 

crucified with Christ; 

and it is no longer 

I who live but 

Christ who lives in me. 

And the life I now live 

in the flesh I live by faith 

in the Son of God, 

who loved me and 

gave himself for me.  

Galatians 2: 19b-20

...when you were buried 

with him in baptism, 

you were also raised 

with him through faith 

in the power of God 

who raised him 

from the dead.  

Colossians 2: 12

If we have died with him, 

we shall also live with him;  

2 Timothy 2;11


I am now rejoicing 

in my suffering 

for your sake, 

and in my flesh 

I am completing 

what is lacking 

in Christ's affliction 

for the sake of his body, 

that is, the church.  

Paul in Colossians 1:24



   to one and all.

A special shout out

to the large group of

visitors this week 

from Germany.

How good that 

we all are in this


        frankly speaking

   spirituality for the street



         Each Friday

           Sigh Up 

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   the current posting


    Each Wednesday

      Before noon

  East Coast USA time

  Lent means heavy lifting

         Up and Free

       Together in the 

          Spirit Spa

          Love to all

          John Frank
