Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Dear All of Us,

Words come easy for me

(Often too darn many, 

       though )

Not so numbers.

I totally dumb out.

Don't know 

what you're 

talking about,


  Them I figure fine.


      The faster we go

       the more we miss

       as we go.


That factors for miracles.

Miracles are God 

on the job for us.

They're all over the place.

Yet, hell bent on 

achievement, success, 

schedule, destination, 

distraction, fixation,

hurry, profit,

possessions, position,

recognition, results,


we zip right on by and

miss most miracles.

Augustine, genius and

sinner become saint, 

saw-said it like this:

 "We take for granted 

  the slow miracle 

  whereby water 

  in the irrigation 

  of a vineyard 

  becomes wine. 

  It is only when Christ 

  turns water into wine

  in a quick motion, 

  (Wedding at Cana)

  as it were, 

  that we stand





I was instantly 

amazed and grateful

when a speeding car flipped

and came at me upside down

with only inches to spare, 

inches that spared my life.

Amazing miracle noticed so

for sure! 

It took me years, though, 

to slowly 

Soul See

my conception 

and the nine months 

and billions of cells

it took

becoming me

as the 

   Slow Miracle 

it was.

Almost missed

the amazement 

of that 

slow motion 

miracle me.

     It seems 

most miracles are

   Slow Miracles.

       As we 

    Slow Soul It,

      we get it

    and is it ever 


More than less, 


our culture

hassle-hurries us

- fast food, 

  quick solutions, 

  internet instant 


  Amazon deliveries 

  seeming to arrive 

  before we finish 

  the order.

Pretty crazy.

Fast forward 


blurs and dulls,

missing miracles,

missing God 

on the job for us.



Beethoven symphony

played ten time faster 

than scored.

Beauty marred, 


a dozy of

a headache.

    Slow Miracle 


Sure, there are times 

when we really need 

to get a move on

- finishing a delayed

  term paper or tax filing, 

  EMT's in response,

  getting the bride 

  to the church on time,

  taking the barbeque 

  off the grill 

  when it is just right.

Most of the time, 


we need to 

   Soul Slow It

to be in on 

all the miracles 

taking their time 

being God's


things like:

-keeping company 

with a seed 

miracle maturing 

to intricate full flower,

-watching the clouds 

slow dance with God,

-blending into a Van Gogh,

-instep with God 

 on the Appalachian Trail,

-savoring a simple supper, 

-holding a sleeping baby,

-carefully crafting a 

 product/program at work,

-slow soul scrolling scripture,

-watching a wheatfield 

wave hello,

-teaching a child 

to play checkers,

-taking five at home 

to see how wonderful it is

to have a place to live,

-listening as sea and shore

 do a duet,

-sensing the mountains' 

 muscled might and majesty,

-sitting on the porch with God 

 when neither of us have

 anything else but each other.   

We hurry up and slow down 


   so often, so much 





"There are only 

 two ways 

 to live your life. 

 One is as though 

 nothing is a miracle.

 The other is as though 

 everything is a miracle."

    Albert Einstein

Next Online Posting


        June19, 2024

Next Email Delivery


        Jube 21,2024

Every week it is a marvel

as we meet and mix,

many one in The One.

A special welcome to 

first time visitors.

So good to be together 

        here at


       frankly speaking

  spirituality for the street



      Simply scroll down 

      below this posting

         Miracles are 

           God Gifts.

 Most take time to unwrap.

     Looking forward to 

our gathering here next week.

          Love to all.

          God Bless,

          John Frank  
