Tuesday, July 16, 2024



Dear All of Us,

Bless the Brits.

Such a dear people.

Magnificent cathedrals,

Shakespear to

passionate football.

Right about so much,

except driving on the 

wrong side of the road

    (just joshing)

Often understated.

Clipped and crisp 

in expression:

     "There, There,"

       for comforting.

      "Here Here!" 

       for affirmation.

Those two expression 

applied variously, 

bespeak for

the Brits and 

all the rest of us,

how we are

are victims of 

"There There"

overwhelming our

 "Here Here."

People are in pain,

scared, depressed.

The media drops 

   all the world 



   on us in our 


It is this an

incessant flood 

of what's going on" there"

raining down on us "here."

It's a tsunami of

information, opinion, 

persuasion, propaganda, 

trivia, fact and falsification.

Our heads and hearts 

are swamped.

We just don't know how 

to float our boat in it all.

The media just now 

is like a herd  

young stallions,


powerful, promising, 

sleek and fast, 

difficult and dangerous.

The horse breeders 

let them run uncontrolled.

They, too, are 

wild and unregulated

as they rake in fortunes

letting loose this stampede 

of worldwide there 

all over us in our right here.

Two metaphors 

for media too much.

It dehumanizes.

It debilitates.

It depresses.

Our spiritual lives 

are stillness deprive, 

souls and psyches 

whipped wide wild.

We need to live the way 

God fashioned us.

We do not and 

we cannot live 

all over the world,

and be responsive

to all that happens 


  We are located 

    and limited.

 We thrive in our    


We can even move 

to another here,

but we need a here.

Let's really 

see and say it -

we can't live or

cope with every there.

Everywhere is nowhere.

We do well to know 

there are lots 

of "here's" out


    But we 

need to heed 

that we are 


for living in our 


our hometown, 

in our version of

 "Home, home

  on the range,"

 in our

 "Home Sweet Home,"

  in our homeland 

  at our address right



things go wacky wrong.

And they have.

We do not need to know 

that there was 

a shooting and deaths

at a birthday party 

there in Louisville

last week unless 

Louisville is our here.

We are not structured 

to hear and process 


"news and views"

 about too much 

 from too many

 about all sorts of









When blitzed

we cave in 

or strike out.






join in causing 

this cultural cascade 

and its conflicts

- and discernably  

       not with 

   the highest of 


Let's sharpen the pencil.

There are lots of 

    Here and There

in God's Good Creation:

    great diversity

    of location,

      of manner and mode of life,

    of culture and custom,

    of political and spiritual persuasion.

There are lots 

     of right on real people,

     of wrong and wronging people,

     of principled conservatives 

        and liberals.

     of hard-hearted, 

     block headed conservatives

     and opiniated air head liberals.

Whether we accept it or not, 

that's how it is.

We need to know that.

We do not need to know 

all about all of that

all the time.

If we try we short out,

spin out.

All this in no way means

we are to bury our heads 

in the sand and

bunker our hearts

in vaults of insensitive isolation.

We need to know and care

about our world oneness.

It gets debilitating when 

our attention and 

outlay of concern 

are unfiltered,

obsessive and constant. 

Our spiritual lives 

suffer to stifle.

Overwhelmed by 

what's going on


and in every diverse

nook and cranny

and happening 

of our nation,

we fail to be 

resident and vigorous 

in our right now and


and that is where 

we locate to live

God Good Life. 



everywhere is nowhere.

         In the 

wisdom and graciousness

         of God 

   we are invited to 

       come alive




A new and necessary 

spiritual discipline 

is to refuse the addition

to distraction that is

  Media Madness.

We have lots of good 

     to be and do.

It's diabolical to be 

drawn off, distracted,


psychically neutered

out of it, to be

missing in the action

right here and now.

    Let's "Here it."


      We bloom 

where we are planted

and that is exactly right

     "HERE HERE!"



                This week's blog about HERE AND THERE, about Media Madness,

                was completed Saturday afternoon, July 13, 2024.

                Late that afternoon there was a horrendous shooting in Butler, PA

                at a Trump For President Rally. A bystander was killed, two others were 

                critically wounded. The shooter was killed. Former President Tramp

                was shot in the ear, an inch or so from a most likely death.

                That tragedy THERE is something that we in our HERE  

                certainly need the media to report - factually, clearly, completely, 

                not incessantly, sensationally, nor politically. 

                We in our HERE cannot do much about the anger, vitriol and violence 

                in all the THERE'S of our nation and world


                in our HERE we can recommit to practical love of each other, 

                tolerance and acceptance of different people and persuasions,

                and non-violent responses to hurt and frustration. Each of us is a cell 

                in The Body Politic across the THERE of our nation and world. 

                Each can make a difference for a peaceable whole.                   




                                                hear and heed 


                           - " Those who draw the sword die by the sword."

                                                 Matthew 26:52

                          - "Peace I leave you, my peace I give you."

                                                   John 14:27

                          - "I say to you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, 

                             do good to them that hate you, and pray for them 

                             that despitefully use you, and persecute you."

                                                     Matthew 5: 43-44

                                                         HERE HEAR




        Tuesday Evening

        July 23, 2024

        East Coast USA 




         July 26, 2024



           ALL NEW 



       frankly speaking

   spirituality for the street





          scrolling down

       beneath this posting

      God is Here and There.

      God put us HERE.


         Peace be with you.

            Even better,

           we get to be    


           God Bless



        John Frank
