Friday, October 13, 2017


Hi There!

So, welcome to our first ever wine tasting.

May it lead to a divine intoxication for us all.

Please savor this sampling of seven outstanding "spirits."

I heartily recommend them.

Over the years they have helped inebriated me

to the point of  wild abandon in Love.

I pray that may be your "high" as well.

For most (all) of us, Chateau Lafite Rothschild,

at a thousand dollars a bottle,

is out of range and reach.

So, too, "spirits" like:

                                 - John of the Cross

                                 - Teresa of Avila

                                  - Meister Eckhart

                                  - Hildegard of Bingen

                                  - Julian of Norwich

                                  - Moses Maimonides

are frequently a bit too rarified and complex  for daily imbibing.

On Wine Spectator's Scale they would surely  be  in the  (95 - 100 range),

"Classics: the great wines."

More to our palate and price would be 

a bottle of "spirits" like St. Francis Sonoma Red

at twenty dollars a bottle.

It's in Wine Spectator's Scale of  (90 -94 range),

"Outstanding: a wine of superior character and style."

The "spirits" here for our tasting certainly are "of superior character and style":

                                             - Thomas Merton

                                             - Bede Griffiths

                                             - Gerald May

                                             - Richard Rohr

                                             - Rob Bell

                                             - Rumi

                                             - Hafiz

Here's a :"taste" of each.

It is accompanied with a recommendation for a fuller portion

should you wish to imbibe even more after our little "tasting" here

(the recommendation is  not necessarily the source of our tasting here ).

                                            THOMAS MERTON

                                   " Every moment and every event

                                     of every man's life on earth

                                     plants something in his soul."

                                      New Seeds of Contemplation


                                            BEDE GRIFFITH

                                 "Above all we  have to  go beyond

                                  word and images and concepts.

                                  No imaginative vision

                                  or conceptual framework

                                  is adequate to
                                  the great reality."

                                           Return to the Center


                                                GERALD MAY

                                "I would prefer  a thousand mistakes

                                  in extravagance of love

                                  to any paralysis in wariness of fear."

                                            The Awakened Heart


                                                RICHARD ROHR

                                         " We do not think ourselves

                                            into new ways of living,

                                            we live ourselves into

                                            new ways of thinking."

                                                All Things Belong


a daily email from

                               The Center for Action and Contemplation



                                                     ROB BELL


                                           "I like to say that I practice

                                            a militant form of mysticism.

                                            I am really absolutely sure

                                            of some things

                                            that I don't quite know."

                                                 Love Wins


a weekly podcast,

                                               The RobCast




                                             "Let the beauty

                                              of what you love

                                              be what you do."

                                           The Essential Rumi



                                            "The heart is a

                                             thousand stringed instrument

                                             that can only be tuned

                                             with love."

                                                   The Gift


Glad we could share a taste of these good "spirits."

With bottled spirits, excess is a danger.

The danger for the spiritual is being cold sober!!!

"Taste and see the goodness of the Lord." (Psalm 34:8)

Here's to you!!

Let's  hold in Love the people of California's wine country

as the suffer devastating fires.

A warm welcome to our newest participants here from Kenya and Romania.

Glad we can share together!

Our circle widens.

What a blessing you all are!

All this reminds me of a prayer  we used to sing in Gregorian Chant back in seminary days

( it was sixty six years ago and of course in Latin ):

"Ecce quam bonum et quam iucundum habitare fratres in Unum."

"Behold how good and pleasant it is when brethren dwell as one."

                                                        Psalm 133:1

See you next week.

In God's Intoxicating Love,

            John Frank