Friday, October 27, 2017


                                                        PLEASE NOTE

                                            Usually a new posting goes up here

                                            .         on Friday Mornings.

                                          Next week the posing will not go up on

                                                    Friday, November 3, 2017.

                                              The next posting here will go up on

                                                         Sunday afternoon,

                                                         November 5, 2017

                                                           Thank You!!

                                                 And now, on to this posting!!


Hi There !

So, what are you going to be for Halloween this year?

Remember all he different costumes you wore as a kid

"Trick or Treating" around your neighborhood?

And how about when you got home with enough candy

to flip the entire NFL into insulin shock?

A note here for those of us who live in lands beyond the USA.

Halloween has become so popular in the states

that it ranks second only to Christmas.

Even beats out Mother's day!!

Over the years,

like Christmas and Easter,

Halloween has been captured and repurposed

commercially and socially.

From a holyday eve,

it has morphed into something between

the macabre and ghoulish.

Guess it has become a socially acceptable way

to let surface and act out

all sorts of spooky stuff

that is usually confined to our psychic sub strata,

and have some fun in the process,

to say nothing of the candy to be had!!

In its origin and purity

Halloween was a festive celebration of

ordinary people, living ordinary lives

and coming to extraordinary holiness

right out on the street of everyday living.

Back in Medieval  Europe,

November first was a holyday,

All Saints Day.

People dressed in the garb ( costume )

of their life work:

homemaker, farmer, professor, midwife,

black smith, baker, doctor, potter and so forth.

This reminded all that their holiness

would be lived out right where and as they were.

There would be a High Mass in the cathedral

and then a joyous  procession through town

celebrating that all are called to be saints,

whatever their life and place in society.

Thus "All" Saints Day.

There was music and food aplenty.

The next day was yet another holyday.

Again there was a High Mass in the cathedral

followed by a procession, this time  to the cemetery,

there to remember all the holy souls

who  helped them walk the way of holiness.

Thus "All Souls Day."

Both holydays underscored

the spirituality of  ordinary people,

and their call to wholeness,

to holiness,

to be "hallowed,"

as the Old English put it.

Over time the Eve before All Hallows

became Hallow Eve,

later Halloween.

Way back when and right now,

too many people assume "holiness"

is just for spiritual superstars -

Augustine, John Wesley, Mother Theresa,

and happily legions more.

For us rather regular, ordinary people, though,

All Saints Day and All Souls Day

affirm the call of us all

to fullness,

to wholeness,

to holiness,

to be saints.

As a matter of fact

the word "saint"

derives from the Latin "sanctus,"

which means sacred,

full, whole, and thus "holy."

In the Christian Blessing,

we hear Jesus offer

fullness, wholeness, holiness:

                                    "I have come that you might have life

                                      and have it to the full."

                                                                           John 10:10

Jesus offers himself as the way to fullness:

                                     I am the way, the truth and the life."

                                                                           John 14:6

The "way" 
                                   He can be our "way"

                                   to navigate everyday life to wholeness.

The "truth"

                                   He can be the "truth,"

                                   the reality undergirding who we are

                                   and how we are

                                   as we come to wholeness.

The "life"

                                  He can be the very "life"

                                  that energizes, "en-livens" us 

                                  as we come more and more to wholeness in him.

We can live fully in union with Jesus,

he in us and we in him.

His life happening in and through us:

                                  "Abide in me as I abide in you...

                                    my Father is glorified by this

                                    that you bear much fruit..

                                    As the Father has loved me,

                                    so I have loved you; abide in my love...

                                    I have said these things to you

                                    so that my joy may be in you,

                                    and your joy may be full,"

                                                                   John 15: 4 & 8, 9 & 11

Union, shared life , fullness. wholeness, holiness, saints all

in ordinary, everyday life.

All Saints
              All Souls.

Now most of us "saints" aren't going

                                     - to write profound spiritual treatises

                                        (certainly not here anyway!!)

                                     - die at the stake for our faith

                                     - found religious orders or movements

                                     - or walk on water.

Our life of wholeness will be a "garden variety," rather ordinary and practical.

It will be in the spirit and way Paul encourages:

                                       "So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do,

                                         do it for the glory of God."

                                                                                  1 Corinthians 10:31

Our "doing" will  happen in all sorts of ways:

                                         - changing a flat on the way to the airport

                                         - being in labor for sixteen house

                                         - being soul soaked in scripture

                                         - going to a job that qualifies you as a Job

                                         - making love like it's the Fourth of July,

                                           and other times when it's more like a firecracker that didn"t

                                         - living with  fearful ambiguity about governments and economies

                                         - quieting down into our Still Point

                                         - teaching a little girl to swim

                                         - struggling to break free of an addiction to

                                           alcohol, drugs, porn, work

                                          - being part of a religious/spiritual group

                                            that rocks and rolls,

                                            rocks to heaven some days,

                                            and then other days,

                                            rolls down to hellish disappointment

                                          - lending a friend fifty dollars

                                            and knowing you'll never see it again

                                           - taking your mother/father-in-law with you on vacation
                                           - reading a great book

                                           - sticking your neck out for racial and environmental rightness

                                           - having a brew with a good friend

                                             (who never asks for fifty dollars

                                             and is eager to pick up the tab for the brew !)

                                            - washing the car

                                            and all such everyday modes as God's Life surges through us

                                            filling us unto wholeness.

It's a joy to celebrate that kind of holiness, truly an "All Saints Day."

It's also such a boost to call to mind and heart those good souls who nurtured and nudged us

along the street of everyday living to "whole-ly-ness,"  to  again and again be guided by their

witness and influence - truly an "All Souls Day."

So, what are you going to be for Halloween this year?

How about:

                   - being refreshed and recommitted as the "saint" you are invited to be?

                   - being grateful  "For All the Saints Who From Their Labors Rest"

                     and vigorously drawing from the endowment of their influence?


Our little circle of sharing here is blessed to welcome new members from Belarus and Ireland.

So good to be with you.

Thanks for the gift of you.

Have a wonder filled  week one and all.

See you a tad later than usual next time with our next posting on Sunday, November 5, 2017.

I am most grateful to you for making our sharing here a

           Communion of Saints!!

You certainly are

             " Saints Alive !!"

             Holding you all in

              God's Dear Love,

                John Frank


                                                      MEDITATION MARKERS

" The challenge of the saints of the twenty-first century

  is to begin again to comprehend the sacred

  in the ten thousand things of this world;

  to reverence what we have come to view as ordinary and devoid of spirit."

                                                               Edward Hayes in Secular Sanctity


"All of the places of our lives are sanctuaries;

  some of them just happen to have steeples.

  And all the people in our lives are saints;

  it is just that some of them have day jobs."

                                                               Robert Benson

                                                              Between the Dream and the Coming True


                                                  FRANCIS OF ASSISI

         - " I have been all things unholy.

              If God can work through me,

              He can work through anyone."

          -  "Start doing what's necessary;

               then do what is possible;

               suddenly you will be doing the impossible."

           - "It's no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is preaching."

           - " To Saints, their very slumber is prayer."

           - "Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words."








