Friday, July 27, 2018
Hi There !
So, being thoroughly
have you ever groused,
"I still haven't found
what I'm looking for,"
to only find that
the hat
you were looking for
was right there
on your head
the whole time?
I sure have.
In a wider sense,
I too often look
out there
for what is actually
right here,
but I'm not !!
I go round and round
to nowhere.
My theme song is
the classic lament of U-2,
"I Still Haven't Found
What I'm Looking For."
For years I counseled
a psychotherapist.
He changed
one persona,
one purpose in life,
one project,
one cause,
one spirituality,
one lover,
to another,
to another.
It was like trying on
one ill fitting suit
after another
in hopes of finding
one that would
"be him,"
that would fit
and feel just right
when in fact
he wasn't
at all comfortable
in his own skin
in his right here
and right now.
He, too, was part of
the chorus lamenting
" I Still Haven't Found
What I'm Looking For."
More and more I realize that
we all get drawn off center
by incessant
"Looking For"
completion, perfection
out there somewhere
completely overlooking
that they are
right here right now
at our Center.
It all started
at our start up.
The story of
Adam and Eve
tells the tale.
Pride snaked
into their spirits
with the tempting lie
of independence
and omnipotence.
They were blinded
to the fruits
and fullness
of Paradise
right there
where they were.
They lost their Center
and cascaded into chaos.
Pain for an out there
that doesn't exist
replaced Paradise
right where they were
right at their Center.
There's a family resemblance.
Like them,
we too are seduced into
"Looking For"
more and all
out there somewhere in nowhere.
We lose balance,
spin into endless seeking
for what isn't out there,
but now we are
in the maddening wasteland of
becomes isolation.
becomes flaccid impotence.
It is critical to get our bearings.
We originate in
The Creative Love Energy
that is God.
Our existence,
our very being,
is centered there.
It is an ever expanding,
centrifugal experience
of goodness,
As Bonaventure says,
" God's center is everywhere
and perimeter is nowhere."
We get in on that.
"Going it alone"
(so called "independence"),
"Looking For"
more and better
out there somewhere in the nowhere
(so called "omnipotence"),
dislocates all but our basic existence,
dislocates, de-harmonizes,
defiles us so much
that we need to cover it over
with our own style of fig leaves.
Off True Center,
we spin out into
embarrassed absurdity.
As bad as that is,
it gets" bettered,"
bettered up on a hill
at the cross road of history.
There on a cross
Jesus didn't have a fig leaf,
just naked love stretching
to gather us back into our
True Center.
So bettered, so Centered,
"find ourselves,"
and all else we are
"Looking For"
right where we already are,
in our here and now.
Buddha tells us to
"wake up"
to being here.
Jesus rights us,
centers us:
"The kingdom of heaven
is within you."
Luke 17: 20-21
"...the spring within you will
well up unto eternal life."
John 4:14
True Center
is not out there nowhere.
It is right here, right now.
Put a whole other way,
we can only be at home
at home,
centered in just that,
Center and Source
our right here and now.
There we experience
unending, creative expansion.
Relaxed and right at home
in our True Center,
we see what is in plain sight
in our here,
and all our "nows"
as they "now forth."
We break out,
not in a lament,
but with an anthem of joy:
"I Finally Have Been Found
By What I Was Looking For."
Answers to life questions and quests
show up right here,
not out there where we aren't,
nor are they.
That's the kind of
"Looking For"
that sees, finds, is enlightened.
So, "Here's to here!"
and free fall into it -
a life of participation,
right here right now,
centered in
The Center and Source,
in primal communion,
ever evolving forth,
rather than trying to straddle
the gap between
Now and Only If
getting spaced out
"Here's to Here!"
never settled,
spiraling forward
n ever expanding
As The Brits say,
toasting the good,
See you next week.
Holding on and all in
God's Dear Love,
John Frank
Sincere and generous thanks
to all who have shared
"frankly speaking"
with family, friends, associates.
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