Friday, August 17, 2018
Hi There !
is a new try
at an old limit.
is the latest thing in
language learning programs.
I sure could have used it the other day.
I was trying to buy a new I Phone.
The store staff were young,
lovely and eager to help.
But did we ever have a devil
of a time trying
to communicate about
an instrument of communication.
It was pumped up paradox.
The staff were in their 20's and
I am precious, if not perilously,
close to 80.
We speak different languages.
They talked about megabytes.
I puzzled over what
really big mosquito bites
have to do with a new cell phone.
Those lovely young staffers lost me
when they asked if my old cell was
"backed up in The Cloud."
I wondered if that was some sort of
"Blessed Assurance" about stored up
sanctifying grace in the heavenly realms.
Somehow we stammered, stuttered,
gestured,"metaphored" along and
I was able to walk out of the store
with a new phone.
It all ended well.
In fact, twenty of those
lovely young staffers
walked me to the door
and waved as I departed.
Silly, but true story.
Well maybe embellished just a bit,
or is that byte ??
In a wider sense, we all find ourselves
tongue tied at the base of today's
Tower of Babel.
We find it distressingly difficult
to communicate and cooperate:
politics, governance, economics,
social and environmental issues,
life style and gender matters,
The Common Good and on and on.
Right at the top of the list is our
articulation of what life is all about,
communicating about
the core of reality - Soul Share.
So sadly often
trying to communicate
about the spiritual life ends up
a confused, often conflicted,
and failed try at communication.
So many say it so variously.
So often we just don't get it,
and too often we even get it wrong.
We speak so many
different spiritual languages.
That language problem can
frighten and frustrate.
It can lead to a spiritual mud fight
or worse - the ultimate
conflict and contradiction,
a so called
Holy War:
" My religion is the only
true religion."
"Those (Catholics, Muslims -
fill in the blank -
are all going to hell
in a basket."
" Those.(.................................)
are spooky and suspicious."
A young white male
shooting up a black
Bible Study in Charleston,S.C.
Planning board blocking
the construction of a mosque.
(Basking Ridge, NJ 2011-2017)
The jihadist massacre
of 300 worshipers
in the mosque
at Rawda, Egypt
(December 2017)
Our survival and prospering
depend on learning
each other's spiritual language.
World wide we need to invest in
the latest and best
language learning program, a
to free up our babel,
one that will enable us
to decode our current
Tower of Spiritual Babel,
our communication confusion.
Then we can Soul Share.
There is just so much good
to give each other.
It's costly, though:
- open minds, hearts and doors,
- respect
- sensitivity
- the conviction that God, Being
The Ultimate, Reality
- chose your preferred name-
is way too vast to be
seen and said in only one way
- comfortableness in our own
spiritual articulations matched
with joyful, even eager,
readiness for a wider hearing
and voicing of Goodness.
I can personally vouch for
the widening of
our spiritual broadband.
I am a grateful and happy Christian.
I have been wonderfully
deepened, widened, lifted
by the Soul Speak of Jewish,
Buddhist, Hindu,
Native American and many more
articulations of the spiritual.
They have a slant and say
on things spiritual I don't.
Finding a way to communicate
has brought all of us into
a much fuller, indeed
a holy, communion
with each other and with What Is.
Richard Rohr shared two magnificent
helps in all this.
They appeared in the August 5, 2018
issue of his daily email
and follow here in our
They are a treasure trove
from which to draw
in prayerful meditation
during the course of the next week,
and hopefully often thereafter.
Thanks for the joy of your company.
I hold you and all in
God's Dear Love,
John Frank
As we ponder let's ask:
- What does all this mean
to where I am spiritually,
to where I can go spiritually,
to where we are and can be as a people?
From the Jewish mystical teacher
Rabbi Rami Shapiro:
To me, religions are like languages:
no language is true or false;
all languages are of human origin;
each language reflects and shapes
the civilization that speaks it;
there are things you can say
in one language that you
cannot say as well in another;
and the more languages
you speak, the more nuanced
your understanding
of life becomes.
Judaism is my mother tongue,
yet in matters of the spirit
I strive to be multilingual.
From Mirabai Starr:
Taoism offers context for
the entire spiritual enterprise
in the opening lines of the
Tao Te Ching:
The Tao that can be told
is not the eternal Tao.
Buddhism affirms
that there is only one of us,
and therefore we are each
responsible for every link
in the web of being.
Christianity offers us
the unconditional mercy
of an incarnational God
who permeates the whole
of creation with love.
Judaism urges us
to demonstrate our love
for God in the way
we treat each other
and care for creation.
Hinduism kindles the fire
of devotion for reunification
with the Beloved who is
no other than our own true self.
Islam shares the peace
that comes with
complete submission
to the One.
The World Wisdom Bible:
A New Testament for a
Global Spirituality,
Rami Shapiro, ed.
(Skylight Paths Publishing: 2017),
A warm welcome to our newest
participants here at
"frankly speaking"
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