Friday, December 7, 2018
Hi There !
So, a bit back I posted the blog,
(May 25, 2018 )
Well, I took my own advice,
selected a quote from the collection offered,
wrote it out on an index card
and carried it with me as suggested.
I spent a lot of time and soul with it,
and that way more than the recommended day.
It rocked me.
It saddened me.
It delighted me.
It opened me.
It confirmed me.
It settled me.
It challenged me.
"a lot"
Please allow me to share that powerful
"a lot" quote with you,
the one that wouldn't leave me alone.
Doing so, I wonder what
it will do to you way down inside.
Frankly, I hope it will
" a lot "
you !!
" Please remember,
it is what you are
that heals,
not what you know."
Carl Jung
Do really take time and soul with that.
Stay with it awhile and let it stay with you.
See what it does to you
and what you will do with it.
Now, as for me, here's what it does.
As I look back at a long life
of ministry and in education,
I fall into the old man fantasy
of wishing I could redirect,
recompose wide swaths of both.
I missed the mark
so often and so much.
Yes, I worked hard and long,
brought all sorts of
professional competencies
to that work,
administered effectively,
got great reviews.
Sadly though, the what I
powered way too much
of what I did.
I forgot that what we
makes the critical difference,
and I just left it in the back seat
for far too much of the trip.
What I "know" was up front
doing most of the driving,
and not all that effectively.
As I survey my past,
I so wish what I am,
my personal incarnation
of what we all
was more genuine and real,
deeper, warmer, freer
as God gave it,
not limited by my cloudy,
ego harness.
So many looked to me
for "healing" of one sort or many,
and sadly too often
I gave them just diligent efficiency,
professionally presented.
Such an old age fantasy
and realization
chastens and humbles.
That's good.
But it's not good to stay there.
I need to recall that the
of who I am,
my experience
of what we all
is rooted in
The Love Who Is God.
For all my immaturity
and my self centered halter,
that Love flowed through the
"what" of me
and the
the what I "know"
to the healing of many,
and that in varied
and multiple ways.
Thanks be to God !!
So, for me it is
definitely a mixed bag.
Here's another old man fantasy.
If I got to be a despot for a day,
a dear old benign one of course,
I would require that
"Please remember,
it is what you are
that heals,
not what you know"
be emblazoned over the doorway of every
- birthing center
- family home
- school and university
- seminary
- church, synagogue, mosque, temple
- political and social justice
- counselor and mentor
- preacher, teacher and spiritual guide.
I would also decree that any
in the helping professions with tattoos
would be required to have the quote inked
on their arm for ready and regular reference.
Now, just for the record, in no way
do I mean to denigrate or downplay
professionalism or the intellectual life
in the helping professions or right at home.
They are marvelous and helpful competencies
in the hands of a healer.
For all that, they don't heal.
It's "what you are" that heals.
Professional competencies are
as paints to an artist,
as rhythms and tones to a musician.
Sadly and too often today,
tool and technique
trump the genius that is healing.
Lots of paint,
no artist,
no masterpiece.
Lots of rhythms and tones,
no musician,
no symphony.
It can go the other way as well.
It should also be remembered that
not everyone has all the "paints."
all the "rhythms and tones,"
to heal any or all.
There are people whom
we are not able to help or heal.
We just don't have
the requisite competencies
or chemistry.
When we can be a vehicle of healing, though,
it is not what we know that heals.
It's what we are that heals
through what we know.
Please allow me to reference clergy
as an example of how
what you are heals, not what you know.
I've been a clergy person for over fifty years.
These days clergy journals, conferences, websites
abound in marketing techniques, demographics,
catchy to engaging worship media,
ever newer programs and pastoral strategies.
Tools like analytics become normative
rather than references for reflection.
Local church to "Denomination Central"
are being structured to the corporate model.
Clergy education is predominately academic.
All of the above certainly deserve
way more than a nod.
They are what clergy "know."
They are a toolbox.
As the standard fare,
the common core of pastoral ministry,
though, they are flaccid.
Much ado about way too much
that just isn't that much,
and certainly doesn't heal.
What heals is way deeper,
requires a lot more of us.
It requires the hard work
of getting out of the way,
of not playing God,
of giving way to God,
accepting intimate absorption in
The Love Who Is God.
Healing comes through a person
immersed in the flow of divine love.
That divine love is personalized,
humanized, touches,
through one awash in it.
It heals.
Honestly, I'm not a cranky old man.
I am a concerned old man.
We clergy don't
"Need to get religion."
We've got way too much of that already.
We clergy need to get past devotional religion
and reliance on organization and technique.
We clergy need real and robust union
with God, Spirit to spirit.
We clergy need to get in bed with God.
The situation of clergy replicates
in parenting, education, counseling -
all the helping, healing vocations.
Our society has all sorts of systems,
protocols, procedures, expertise, competencies.
It's like a beautiful body.
It just needs soul.
Sad to say,
a body without soul
is a corpse.
Happily, fortunately, there are
wonderfully in love,
spirited souls among us.
Real healers.
Please permit a personal example.
I had a terrible time when puberty hit,
and I didn't keep it to myself.
I made things quite terrible for others.
Every week, though,
I had time with my pastor,
Father Joe Sheehan.
He was an athlete, an intellectual,
a man's man, a deeply spiritual man.
He knew a lot.
He was a lot,
a lot more than he knew.
He was centered in
The Love Who Is God.
Being in the flow,
healing flowed from him.
He cared about me.
He believed in me.
He listened to me,
and that with
way more than ears.
He saw soul.
I let him into my troubled soul
and he went there with his.
The realness, the steadiness,
the centeredness, the strength,
the presence of God
that was at his core
cared about me, flowed into me.
A way too hookie metaphor would be
that his caring connected
the way jumper cables do and
the energy, the juice, the charge,
the voltage in him,
the Reality at his center,
jolted me, jump started me to aliveness.
What Father Sheehan was way down deep
powered a healing in me.
He gave me great counsel.
He gave me way more.
He gave what he was.
That powered me so that
I could live out
the counsel he gave.
He was way more than a tactician.
He was in the flow of Divine Love,
of grace and it graced me,
it flowed into me.
It healed me.
Please take time and attention
to recall such souls
that were healers in your life.
Let's join them,
get in the flow,
and let healing
flow through us.
There's more and it's good!
Healing is wider than curing a malady.
It can mean helping others to grow,
develop, mature, imagine, create.
It can be evangelizing,
leading, teaching, modeling, enthusing, inspiring.
Whether we are clergy, parents,
educators, a friend, neighbor,
we can really help in proportion to what we
Our spiritual lives are
"what we are."
They "are" the engine that powers us,
and empowers others through us.
Our spiritual lives are our first priority.
That's where we get Real,
and then really can be
a healer for others.
So, let's develop every competency we can, for sure.
Let's notice those
all around us that wait,
that long for healing
in so many, many ways:
- children and teens adrift,
needing a full time parent,
role models,
foster parents,
a Big Brother/Sister
- the lonely and isolated elderly
who need inclusion and respect
- neighbors, co-workers
who simply need a good friend
- students needing a full education,
not just passing tests,
but opening to the vastness of learning
- the sick needing technique infused with soul
- twenty somethings trying to sort themselves
and adult life out
- all sorts stuck on the surface, money and media driven
In other words, we are they,
longing for help and healing.
As we see and respond let's live the truth that:
"Please remember
it is who you are
that heals,
not what you know."
Thanks for letting me share this.
Holding you all in
God's Dear Love,
John Frank
A warm welcome to
our newest participants
from Albania and Estonia.
Sincere thanks to all who
personally tell family, friends,
congregants and other associate about
"frankly speaking"
spirituality for the street
as well as share it
via Facebook and email.
If you are new to our weekly sharing,
please allow for a bit of context and orientation.
Hopefully some time and reflection with
will be helpful.
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