Friday, December 28, 2018
Dear All of Us
"What's a word for...?"
It could be playing Scrabble or Bananagrams.
It could be doing a crossword or Word Search Puzzle.
It could be penning a poem.
It could be composing a letter of recommendation.
It could be The Word For The Year.
Major dictionary publishers
just selected their choices for the
Word of the Year:
Oxford Dictionary: "Toxic" "Misinformation"
Merriam-Webster: "Justice"
How bout dem apples, those words???
Whatever the setting, it is important
to get just the right word because
"A word for...",
well for anything,
pegs its essence,
bespeaks the innerness,
the core of it.
It just that telling.
So, how about this?
You and I are a word for God,
an articulation of God
from our deepest innerness.
"In him we live and move
and have our being."
Acts 17:28
Who we are, how we are,
is our saying of God,
our verbalizing,
our speaking in
person and practice,
what's real,
what's good,
what's actual.
In our own ways and place we are
a personalized expression
"God is with us."
We bespeak The Reality
spoken of as God.
We "word" God
in practical, daily life by:
- our life style
- our lived values
- our choices
- our work
- our creativity
- our care of
people and place
- our example
- our centeredness
- our immersion in
The Love Who Is God
- our relationships.
No board or parlor game this!!
Ever so much better
we are a living word
of recommendation for
a person poem speaking
All this does not require
or even allow for a
Word Search.
It is not some sort of good
we have to struggle at
try to "do."
All that is required is that
we simply allow the
Good That Is
to flow through our living,
for us to be in Being.
All we have to do
is give clear channel.
Now that's where the "doing,"
the struggle, does comes in.
Our False Self with its volumes
of phony articulations has to be
reworded real.
We have to give the lie
to a culture of deceits.
We have to again and again accept
the speech therapy that is Truth.
The strength and energy for this
"God Wording"
is our centeredness in
"In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
All things (there we are!)
came into being through him,
and without him not
one thing came into being.
What came into being in him was life,
and the life was the light of all people.
The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness did not overcome it...
to all who received him,
who believed in his name,
he gave power
(there's our energy source, our strength)
to become children of of God ...
And the Word became flesh
and lived among us,
and we have seen his glory,
the glory as of a father's only son,
full of grace and truth...
From his fullness
we have all received,
grace upon grace."
(again, our strength and energy Source )
John 1: 1-5, 12, 14, 16
Our spiritual life out here
on the street of everyday living
* is one of
Truth Telling
*is one of
Living the Word
*" is one of
We are asked to be
The "Word" For It.
A word is our innerness
expressed and shared.
Jesus is The Word of God,
God's innerness
expressed and shared.
We are invited to be
a word for God,
God's innerness
expressed and shared
right where we are
out here on the street
of everyday living,
expressed and shared
in a living personal way -
just like Jesus.
The Word Wonks'
word for 2018 were
What do we say?
Holding us all in
God's Word,
John Frank
As we begin this new year
it is a happiness
to welcome those new
to our weekly sharing here.
This week we welcome participation
from Kosovo.
So good to connect.
Thank you for joining in.
Please do read
( right column online )
for a bit of orientation to
"frankly speaking"
spirituality for the street.
* It is posted online Fridays
(easy to bookmark )
* It is available by automatic email delivery
Saturdays - sign up right column online
* Past postings available at
Blog Archve
( right column online ).
Thank You!