Dear All of Us,
Trying to figure forward, we puzzle:
How do you get there from here?
It could be planning a trip,
considering a career change,
designing a project at work,
building a tree house for a child,
planning a dinner party.
The biggest of the big, of course,
is how do we figure forward
in life itself so that it turns out
to be real, genuine, good,
what it's meant to be.
"How do you get there from here?"
The night before he died
Jesus huddled with the team,
pulled them in tight,
a whole communion,
sharing with them and us
how to figure forward
so that life is real, genuine, good,
what it is meant to be, clarifying
How do you get there from here:
"I am the way,
and the truth,
and the life;
no one comes
to the Father
but through me."
John 14;6
So that's how to figure forward,
not just in our heads,
but in our total selves,
and all our living.
So that's how to be in community,
sharing life in the Kin-Domain,
the Rain of God's Way.
Jesus models and shares
how we get there from here.
We live him.
We have a way to go.
We have bedrock truth.
We have a life.
Out here on the street
of everyday life
we go about it the way
Jesus taught and lived,
how Jesus offers to live in us
in our here and now.
He is how we figure forward.
We live him.
He is our way of life
our grounding in truth itself,
the life that enlivens us.
Our value system, life style,
work, relationships, recreation,
are those of Jesus
lived in the particulars of
our here and now.
With us it's not just WWJD,
What Would Jesus Do.
With us it's
What Jesus Wants To Do
in and through us.
Everything is involved.
What kind of housing we have.
What we drive.
What we ware.
What we do with
our time and money.
What we do to work
peace in our place.
What we do to reverence
the planet.
What of ourselves
we share with others.
What forgiveness we ask and give.
What we read and watch.
What way we vote.
What we put into living
in a spiritual community.
What we let go of and
allow God to in-fold us in
the deepest of intimate love.
What disciplines and sacrifices
we embrace to be open
to God's Love coming to us and
to sharing God's Love with others.
What times and ways open us
to a contemplative life.
Jesus figures us forward in life itself
so that it turns out to be real,
genuine, good, what it's meant to be.
In him, him in us, we fall in love,
we live love, we become love.
We love God, neighbor and self,
most personally and practically
moving forward out here
on the street of everyday life.
That's how we get from our here
to our forever there.
So grateful we can
figure forward
John Frank
See you next week here at
frankly speaking
spirituality for the street
We figure forward,
move on in life
immersed in the truth,
the realness of Jesus.
That's how we connect with
Ultimate Reality - God.
We come alive living
the life that is Jesus.