Wednesday, May 29, 2024



 Dear All of Us,

  This week 

  let's give a 



Meister Eckhart,

one of the greatest 

minds and mystics

in all of Christendom.

He soul jolts.

He's always been 

a bit much, though, 

for the lads in 

the front office at

Church Establishment Inc.

His supersonic jets zoom at

forty-five thousand feet 

to their Piper Cubs 

putzing along at 

five thousand.

They can't keep up

with him.

Ain't it too often so?

That crowd are 

the same flashlights 

that tried to dim out 

the beacons brilliant

- Copernicus, Galileo, Chardin,

   democracy, evolution, 

   and their many cousins 

   positive charged.

   Their miss is our find.

Meister Eckart helps us 

find our way to simple, pure

"spirituality for the street."

For all his lofty erudition


     mystical union

he says it simple full,

soul to soul: 

     "God only asks that you 

      get out of the way and 

      let God be God in you."


             "Take ten."

         "Take ten tens!"

 That's more than a mouthful.

           That's soulful.

Way too many-much,


we tell ourselves and

    others tell us 

different dangerous.

        Our Ego 

 rigged out in pride


     reeking of it.

  Some sometimes:




       Social circle

       Religious leaders

       Cultural expectations

       Spiritual directors

       Media moguls



       Self Help gurus

       Churchy sorts

       Friends and family 


       Long leagues more.

We/They play God.

We/They insist 

we be different 

than we really are,

different than 

God wants to be 

in and through us.

We become 


in our own 



      and in

   Realm Real:



      merked up mad



      off center




      pseudo someone

      God denied direction.

"Not nice!"

God doesn't get 

to shine through us.

We 're off the grid and 

operating on cheap, 


low power batteries.

We don't glow.

We don't go.

Others are shorted out

on how God wants 

to transmit transforming

      Divine Voltage

         to them

       through us.

      It's all rather 

  devilish and delusional.

Again and again, 

fuller and deeper

we do well to 




      tells us true:

    "I am the vine, 

         you are 

     the branches."



        the energy 

          the life

   that surges us into

 being and fruitfulness,

yes, God's very own!.

       We are not 




       It's infinitely better when

       God is being God in us. 

When we fuss and foul that up 

it's like a branch of the vine 

pretending to be

a chicken hatching eggs.


      No God Good

God is

    Passionate Love 

that wants 

to be us,

to be as Augustine says, 

more intimate to us 

than we are to ourselves.

to flourish in us, 

to enrich through us.

God wants to be unique in us,

make us one of a kind,

to do what/where 

only we can as

friend, lover, teacher, parent, 

scientist, line worker, pastor, 

artist, public servant, leader,

programmer, musician, roofer, cook, 

salesperson, social worker, therapist and...

And to be and do that as our body type,

personality, temperament, sexual state, 

coloration, ethnicity, social status, location,

spiritual type, religion, and...

            So, let's 

          Soul Search

             a bit.

Do we really trust God 

to do a good job of 

           creating us


           uniquely so, 

radiating out that goodness

      - that GODNESS-

to further 




   our neighborhood,

   our zone,

   our time and place?

Such a trust is called


Or do we falter because 

our ego and/or the crowd 

around where we live

play God and demand a 


How scared or secure are we 

about being unique?


I'm an off the chart,

(ok, off the wall)

sociable introvert.

Society's Classified Ads

don't call for such at all.

Sociable ok, no way introvert.

People puzzle, even diss,

"How can you be such a live wire,

outgoing, enthusiastic,  

leader, preacher, teacher 

and then head for 

your cloister of quiet alone?"

Well, the key is



as in enthusiastic

  to share God 

  to be quiet in God.

That's the way 

God wants to be God in me.

It took a lot of grace 

to come up with the courage 

to be so when I was a boy,

and ever since  -

both recognized 

and shunned for it,

accepted and excluded for it.

Been like that all my life.

    Sociable Introvert

Not many of us 

out on the street.

God loves me just so.

I accept the love jut so.

I'm on the street God in me.

I'm cloistered God in me.

At times it's pretty lonely,

but then nothing beats 

letting God 

be this way

on the street.

in the cloister.

Wherever we are, 

however we are,

God wants to be 




"God only asks that 

you get out of the way 

and let Go be God in you."

God speaks us.

May we 





          June 5, 2024

Next Email Delivery


           June 7, 2024

Whoever God is in you,

However God is in you,


       It's so Soul Rich

    to be together here.



As a kid I was a paperboy,

The Newark Evening News.

That was back in 1951-3.

Had fifty or so customers

and you know, 

I actually was happy 

to get the news to them.

I would like to ask you 

to do some such where you live.

This week would you deliver 


        frankly speaking

     spirituality for the street

to five or so family, friends,

folks at church, colleagues?

If you can, please share that 

you find some value here 

each week

  - well most weeks anyway - 

and you are inviting them 

to try it out.

Your referral, 

and for fellow the introverts 


would be a big help 

and much appreciated.






scrolling down beneath 

       this posting

Have a great week.

Praying that we all 

     "LISTEN UP"

      Love to all,

     John Frank




