Wednesday, May 1, 2024


Dear All of Us,

Here in The States right now

a canvas of our country 

pictures puzzlement and concern:

    Whom Can You Trust? 

As I type away here just now,

student demonstrations 

roll to roil across the land 

reflecting that

puzzlement and concern.

For me it's more than 

a bit of de-ja vu.

Back in the mid-sixties

I was doing graduate study

in theology here in Washington

at Catholic University.

The Rector summarily fired 

a theology professor

solely on the basis 

of a news report.

No due process at all.

The faculty struck,

shut down the university. 

They asked the student body

for support and to protest.

We did.

All day for some days 

we peacefully marched 

on campus, placards held high,

chanting for justice 

and academic freedom.

There were TV news crews a plenty.

Then it was back to 

the seminary residence

for dinner and 

to watch ourselves

on all the major network 

evening news programs.

It was heady and dangerous.

We could have been expelled 

and denied ordination.

Eventually the theologian 

was reinstated and 

the Rector was dismissed

and we were ordained.

I learned a lot.

Being part of what 

was covered 

by the news media,

and how they reported it,

were not even fraternal twins.

Camera angles,

select scene backgrounds

and interview sites,

cropped crowd scrapes,

types of persons selected

for interview,

sound bites, 

toned and colored 

the reporting.

Facts and fictions 

were fitted into 

a variety of news frames

by the various networks.

In our here and now,

Whom Can You Trust?

    How do we find 

The God's Honest Truth 

    - to vote

    - navigating social media

    - in selecting a news outlet -

             Fox, PBS? 

             NYT, WSJ?

    - listening to a preacher

    - choosing spiritual podcasts, 

      publications and blogs

      (including this one)

    - deciding on a spiritual director

    - choosing a school for our child

      (if we are fortunate enough

      to have a choice)

    - what Not-For-Profit to support

    - which causes to follow

    - what sorts of entertainment

    - with whom to socialize?

Concerns aplenty trying 

to honestly, truthfully

live out our

"spirituality for the street."

Whom Can You Trust?

Where is the God's Honest Truth?

Jesus points us right real

out here on the streets of now.

He tells us be wise 

as a serpent and 

guileless as a dove.

    Matthew 10:16

-paradox point -

He outlines direction

for so much:

"Thus, by their fruits 

 you will recognize them." 

      Matthew 7:20

Paul paints in the picture,

      darks and lights, 

      fruits deadly,

      fruits inspiriting

 Fruits Deadly:

"It's obvious what kind of life 

develops out of trying 

to get your own way 

all the time: 

repetitive, loveless, cheap sex;

a stinking accumulation of

mental and emotional garbage;

frenzied and joyless grabs 

for happiness;

trinket gods;

magic-show religion;

paranoid loneliness;

cut-throat competition;


never-satisfied wants;

a brutal temper;

an impotence to love

or be loved;

divided homes and 

divided lives;

small-minded and 

lopsided pursuits;

the vicious habit of 

depersonalizing everyone 

into a rival;

uncontrolled and 

uncontrollable addictions;

ugly parodies of community."

     Galatians 5:19-21

       The Message 


Fruits Inspiriting

"But the fruit of the Spirit is

 love, joy, 

 peace, patience,

 kindness, goodness, 


 gentleness and


 Galatians 5: 22-23


In a land and time of 

puzzlement and concern

         we find 

The God's Honest Truth

          we can     


in people, platforms, policies,

procedures, politicians, pastors,

churches, media, causes, 

curricula, entertainments, 

writings, friends,

      anybody. anything

      ripe and rich with 

   The Fruits of the Spirit.

   That's The Good News.

   That's the way to go.

We eschew 

(haven't used that word 

in a month of Mondays!)

anybody, anything 

that fails, fakes, or fouls

The Fruits of the Spirit,

who serves up

 Fruits Deadly.

Our criteria for 

what to do,

where to go,

how to choose, 

whom to follow,

selecting friends,

is to be and go 

where there is 

   love, joy

   peace, patience

   kindness, goodness

   faithfulness, gentleness


It's our spiritual GPS.

It leads in 

a manner and way 

we can





         May 8, 2024



         May 10, 2024

Lots of new friends are joining in 

           with us each week.

       This week groups from 




          were among them.

So, So Good to be So, So Blessed!




         frankly speaking

    spirituality for the street



scrolling down beneath this posting

     Looking forward to us all 

     being together here next week,

     and that's sure the truth!

                Love to all

                John Frank
