Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Dear All of Us,

Every Saturday

my three and 

a half year old

  Grand Son


comes over for dinner

and of course he brings 

his parents with him.

My wife cooks a full

Sunday Dinner 

for us all every Saturday.

Ollie always charges in, 

goes straight for Grandma,

hugs and asks


what did you make?"

Ollie, like his 

Grand Ma and Mom

is already a foodie.

He loves cooking 

and food matters.

He actually gets up on 

his riser and pitches in with

the food planning and prep.

Early last Saturday morning

Ollie and his Mom texted us.

How about they cook for us

and we dine at their home

this Saturday?

Well, Grand Pa here has 

significant mobility limits. 

Ollie and his parents live 

two long, steep flights up

in their apartment building.

Texting back to Ollie, 

I had some fun.

Sure, we'd love to come 

but it would be hard 

for Grand Pa to climb 

all those long steep stairs.

So, if I couldn't 

get back down

all those long steep stairs, 

would it be alright with Ollie 

if I slept on the couch 

and we get a crane 

on Monday 

to let me down

from the fire escape?

Ollies response was

pure and simple.

"I can help Grand Pa

get up the stairs."

He took a pass on

my try at humor, 

and any way,

that crane business 

was beyond his 


or competence.

Let it go.

Ollie just wanted us 

to come over and 

he would do what 

he could to help

Grand Pa.

Actually, he already had.

His concern and care,

his willingness to help, 


my determination

for the climb, 

lifted my spirits,

Ollie boy-ed me up.


These days it's a steep climb

for many most of us 

to get above the 

challenging chaos all about 

and the frightful future 

that threatens

to roll across us.

It's messing a lot of heads,

scaring a lot of hearts.

Can we get above it?

Is there anything 

we can do about it?

   NO and YES


We can do next to nothing

about the overriding threats.

If we are lucky enough to live 

in a country where we can vote,

that's important and 

yet that seems 

frighteningly fragile.

The Culprit Captains of Empire

are at the controls.

Their power and profit 

determine policy and process.

People and planet be damned.

And we may be.

The average you and me 

can fret and fuss.

It's not going 

to make much difference

except dump us deeper 

in depression.

Sure, we need to know 

what's coming down.

And there's plenty of it.

Sure we need 

to petition, protest, and work 

for social and planetary justice,

live the works of mercy.

But we are not at the controls.


We can do something,

something about ourselves.

We can do what Ollie did.

We can size things up 

and do what we can  

right where and as we are.

Never mind trying 

to get some kind 

of a crane fix

that's beyond us.

We need to watch out. 

Too many of us try 

to shoulder the weight 

of the whole wide world.

It crushes and keeps us 

from baring the burdens 

of our here and now

And that's where 

we can make one heaven 

of a difference.

Jesus tells us to carry OUR cross,

not that of the whole wide world.

There is a debilitating evil in 

wasting our God given energies

on what we can't reach or change.

We do well to act on the wisdom:

"Think globally. Act locally."

If more and more and more

of us get really, truly into 

living Jesus together

it will spread and spread and

then things will change 

for the God possible much better.

Our playbook is the Gospels, 

particularly the Beatitudes 

and the Sermon on the Mount.

We're not talking devotional piety.

We're talking here about 

deep diving into practical, 

gritty, sweaty sweet community 

- the kind where 

an elderly member in distress 

can call for help in the middle 

of the night and some 

community members are there.

We're talking the community 

being out front addressing 

local homelessness, 

book banning,

community gardens 

and theater,

minority inclusion, 

block parties,

close in and for real

scripture focus,

wide open, fervent prayer,

equity pay,

water conservation 

and all its cousins,

- all and every 

good thing 

we as a people 

can actually do

with our powers 

and in our place.

It's the hope of the world.

It's Kingdom Living.

That can't be programed, 

politicized or legislated.

It can be lived into

real right now.

Converted hearts 

in community and doing 

are the key.

What say on our own 

we and then together 

with others, 

slow soul it, 

pray and apply to 

grace filled doing 

the Spiritual Cousel

of the two wondrous 

spiritual prompts

that follow here?

They both came out of 

chaotic, turbulent times 

and are so right for ours.


maps out the terrain 

of our doing:


 "Do all the good you can, 

  by all the means you can, 

  in all the ways you can, 

  in all the places you can, 

  at all the times you can, 

  to all the people you can, 

  as long ever as you can.


pinpoints the how's 

of converted 

hearts in action:

"Lord, make me 

 an instilment of you peace;

 where there is hatred,

 let me sow 


 where there is injury.


 where there is doubt,


 where there is despair,


 where there is darkness,


 and where there is sadness,


 O Divine Master,

 grant that I may not so much seek

 to be consoled as to console;

 to be understood as to understand;

 to be loved, as to love;

 for it is in giving that we receive,

 it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

 and it is in dying that 

 we are born to eternal life."


Let's not get drawn off,  

immobilized into 

deadening dread

by where we can't go

and what we can't do.

We can 

Go Gospel

We can

Live Kingdom. 

No head trips.

Action steps.






Be a for real


It'll make a 




"Thy kingdom 

 will be 

in the coming."

Yes, it will in 

doing deed

be the

much needed



If you care, here is a practical


On and off over 

many next whiles,

in prayer alone and 

in community sharing,

we take each key word 

of Wesley and Francis.

We focus on the 

what and way 

in our here and now. 


  Do      Good    Means

  Ways   Place   Times 

  People  Long



  Peace       Hatred       Love             

 Injury        Pardon       Doubt            

 Faith          Despair      Hope 

 Darkness    Light          Sadness              

 Joy            Console       Understand

 Love          Giving         Pardoning 

 Dying        Born



Tuesday afternoon/early evening

East Coast USA Time

October 22,2024



October 25, 2024



      scrolling down beneath 

             this posting

We here are from many places and ways.

This week we highlight those of us from





              whoever from wherever

                  frankly speaking

            spirituality for the street


             See you next week.

                  Love to all.

                  God Bless,

                 John Frank
