Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Dear All of Us,

There's more than a stir 

here in the states just now.

We are about to vote,

vote us a future,

one that will stir here

and cross the seas 

effecting other futures.

It will be a swing 



it's about way more 

than partisan politics.

It's about 

      who we are 


     how we are


        will be 

     as a people.

It will mean that

we here and many there 

will be a lot better off, 

or a lot worse off.

If Left, will it be a lift 

or a letdown?

If Right, will it mean 

getting things right or

downright wrong?


A bunch of years ago 

Shane Claiborne

wrote a book entitled,

  Jesus for President.

How about that?

Well, yes!

How about that indeed!


we are very much 

voting for  


not for 


right now,

right where we are.

It determines 

    who we are    


    how we are


       will be

     as people 


    as peoples.

We are voting with 

our heads and hearts,

our values and lifestyles,

our treatment of each other,

our care for Creation,

our practical, personal

incorporation in Christ

      and being

 gathered together 

   here and now


The Kingdom of God



in spheres spiritual 

      there are 

     some of us

   making a turn



Both are off the page 

and over the edge

in this old man's view.

The Hard Right is scared silly.

They are locked up 

in what they think 

are cemented sureties.

The Hard Left is fogged in.

They fuss and fumble

about cause upon cause.

Both get nowhere fast. 

Both are doctrinaire,

demandingly so. 

Both want "nice nice" 

and they want it 

their way and now.

But guess what?

"We have not here 

a lasting city, 

but we are looking for 

the city to come."

Hebrews 13:14


Lefties and Righties 

are missing the bus,

just at different stops.

Empire rules the world.

It always has.

It always will 


"Thy Kingdom come... 

 on earth as in heaven."

    Matthew 6:10

 Well, it has and is 

      and that 

right in the midst of the

mad mess of Empire.

For us, it's not 


 For us it gets to be

    the real deal

    pure and simple

    here and now

    Kingdom Living

    with largeness 

         for all

     for all sides 

for all sides of a whole.


A concern and caution:

         So many 

  Hard or Soft on the


are actually living the values 

and enjoying the perks 

of Empire on their way to church.

Lefties fume about the environment

yet drive pricey vehicles, 

jet away to vacation spots, 

buy way more clothing 

than needed,

go to meetings about the poor

and make sure 

not to live near them, 

are so open minded that 

solid values don't stay put,

liberally spend 

discretionary funds 

on preference and pleasure.

The Righties substitute 

ritual and dogma

for sweaty, on the ground faith,

throw some money at the poor, 

but make sure they stay 

on the other side 

of the tracks,

they disallow difference, 

they ban books,

they live in the dollhouse 

of a pretended past.

Do I exaggerate?

To a degree, 

but not that much.

Both Hard and Soft

Lefties and Righties

enjoy Empire living that has 

a Bible on the coffee table.

Their votes for Jesus,

are hedged to impotence.

Same sad so for their churches.


   Church Leaders 


need to ditch 

their robes and rubrics,

titles and canned cliche talk,

their corporate management,

their Rolodex of reports and plans,

their careerism, their clericalism,

the overload of church real estate,


            do things like 

stay in a college dorm 

for a weekend,

baby sit a week for a single, 

working parent,

then stay a week 

in a youth detention center,

next shadow a day labor 

and then an office worker

for a week each, 

curb out to curb home

sunrise to sunset


go to a Retreat Center for a 

thirty day guided retreat

learning how to 

honestly vote for Jesus,

focused on learning 

how to practically live 

The Sermon On the Mount

          ALL OF IT

          ALL OF IT

You can't give what you don't have.

Pastor people not programs.

"Feed my lambs..." Jesus  (John 21:15)

"Give them Christ." John Wesley

What will really make a difference 

for each of us and 

all of us as a people 

is an honest election of Jesus

"The way, the truth and the life"

We need to face up to the truth that

we can't have it both ways, 

Empire perks and actual Gospel living.

We have to deal with Empire.

     "Render unto Caesar..."

          Mark 12:17

We live in

The Kingdom of God

       "...and to God what is God's."

We are freed to follow 

    Jesus - "the way"

as we go about life -

his manner

his teachings.

We are freed to base 

ourselves on 

    Jesus - "the truth"

calibrating our 

lifestyle and values on

his manner 

his teachings  

We are freed to live 

      Jesus - "the life"

our center and dynamic,

enfleshing, making present 

his manner

his teaching

Where and how we live

      get to be 

    Jesus Tuned

money, transport, 

real estate, 

furnishings, food,

recreation  -

all simplified, 

enlivened in 

generous and 


God Love.

We are also freed 

to move away from 

over institutionalized religion 

to small groups of disciples

           bonding in 

           face to face

           life sharing

           gritty real


     "Followers of the Way"

More than we care to face 

hangs on how we vote on

  November 5, 2024

Certainly the future.

Perhaps our continence.

Vastly more hangs on 

whether we vote for Jesus -

our shared now and forever

we vote with living 




        with our lives

      in real community

      caring and sharing

          vigorous in

         the Kingdom 

       coming on earth



              to it

  "just as it is in heaven."


   Now that's really right.

        Nothing left out


          A rich autumn



         frankly speaking

    spirituality for the street



Tuesday afternoon/evening

East Coast USA Time

October 8, 2024



October 11,2024

We hold in love our Jewish 

brothers and sisters 

in this time of the

High Holydays.





     Scrolling down beneath

            this posting

        Right beside you 

     in life's voting booth.

     Hope to see you here 

          next week.

          Love to all.

          God Bless,

         John Frank
