Friday, December 29, 2017
Hi There !
So, look what I got for Christmas.
Yes, please do just that.
Look at this wonderful gift.
Look at it with the eyes of your soul.
Take time with it.
Give it a speciousness of spirit.
It is quite a gift,
and a gift to share:
undergoing god
Your life is not about you;
you are about Life.
You are an instance
of a universal, even eternal, pattern.
The One Life that many of us
call "God" is living itself in you,
and through you, and as you !
This realization is an earthquake
in the heart, a Copernican revolution
in the mind, and a monumental
shift in consciousness.
Yet most of us do not seem interested in it.
It is too big to imagine
and can only be revealed slowly:
You have never been separate from God
except in your mind.
You gradually recognize
that the myriad forms of life
in the universe are completely diverse
and utterly one at the same time -
just like the Trinity,
which might be called
"Diversity in perfect love with itself,"
which creates Oneness.
We are all "undergoing God,
whose supreme job
is the "oneing" of all reality
Oneing is a wonderful word
I borrow from Lady Julian of Norwich's
Middle English to describe
the process of overcoming
dualism and divisions
artificially created
by the ego and the mind.
This should be an enormous weight
off your back.
All you can really do
is agree to joyously participate!
Life in the spirit will feel like
being caught much more than
being taught about any particular doctrine.
Henceforth, your very motivation
and momentum for the journey
toward holiness and wholeness
is simply immense gratitude -
for already being there!
just this, Richard Rohr
CAC Publishing, 2017, pg45
Richard's latest book was the first and best gift I received this Christmas.
It is a small compendium of his seminal sharings.
A gift in more than a few ways!!
As we close out 2017, a warm welcome
to new participants from Algeria and Sweden.
Delighted to be "ONE' with you.
Given the busyness of the Christmas celebration,
if you haven't yet had a chance to read the last posting,
"Portals," December 22, 2017,
please just scroll down here if you are online,
or if you receive this by email,
just go online to:
and scroll down.
It is a gift I so want to keep giving.
Every good wish for 2018.
May all awake to our "Oneing."
Happy New Year!!
See you next week.
In God's Dear Love,
John Frank