Friday, July 26, 2019


Dear All Of Us,

Over the span of your years and experience 
what would top your personal list of

        "Little Things Mean A Lot"?

You know, those unexpected gestures,
surprise delights, gracious occurrences,
often rather simple and at first blush 
not all that much, that end up meaning much.

They are usually little packages 
of words or deeds with a powerful payload 
of God Love in them.

They are often more sacraments 
than elements at a church service.
They make real and ready, 
right out here on the street of everyday living,
something at once human and divine.
They get right to our core, 
warm heart, encourage spirit.
There's a lift and lilt to them.
They truly are outward signs of divine goodness, 
and so practically, personally communicate that to us.

These Street Sacraments 
are administered by all sorts of 
"People Priests":
  - smiling babies, 
  - caring grandparents,
  - a considerate neighbor, 
  - the well mannered stranger 
    sitting next to us 
    on the flight to Phoenix, 
  - a cheery clerk at the supermarket,
  - the traffic cop who only gives 
    a warning ticket to 
    the harried and hurried housewife 
    with a van full of kids.

With them it's quality not so much quantity that counts -
  - an affirming note on a test paper from your teacher,
  - an unexpected pat on the back from the boss,
  - the parishioner who moves over 
    to let you and your family sit by the aisle at church,
  - the research librarian who goes 
    way out of the way for you 
  - a fellow shopper with a heaping cart of purchases 
    who tells you to go ahead of her
    because you only have diapers 
    and a jar of peanut butter to be rung up.

It is so Jesus:
 " Whoever welcomes you welcomes me...
     whoever gives a cup of cold water...
     truly I tell you, none of these 
     will lose their reward."
                       Matthew 10:40 and 42

We have it on that good authority 
that for sure

        "Little Things Mean A Lot."

Happily we not only get to be 
on the receiving end, 
but also on the giving end
of these everyday, anywhere 
Street Sacraments, 
these soul boosts.
A hefty charge of divine energy
circuits through us People Priests
in doing seemingly little things 
that turn out to really mean a lot: 

- quietly tipping at 30%
- sharing a book you know
  you'll never get back
- smiling at a stern sales person
- asking an old man how he is
  and really paying attention 
  as he takes the next twenty minutes 
  to tell you
- buying a box of Girl Scout Cookies 
  from each and every girl scout who 
  approaches you at church, on the sidewalk,
  at the supermarket, or comes to you door
  order form in hand and pleading hope in her eyes.
- going to your grandchild's hockey game 
  even though you'll be freezing the whole time
  and you really detest the sport.

It's so Jesus:

   " Whatever you did for the least 
     of these brothers and sisters of mine,
     you did it for me."

               Matthew 25:40

Again and powerfully we have it 
on that good authority 
that for sure

         "Little Things Mean A Lot."

Yes, they are the stuff of
a spirituality for the street,

one that really gets us all 
well on the way to 
Love In Person.

See you at the supermarket,
and I'll  do my best not to be
the little old man you ask 
"How are you?' and he takes
twenty minutes to tell you.
I can get it pretty well covered 
in about fifteen minutes!!!!

       God loves you 
     and I'm so happy 
       to get in on it!!

        John Frank

Something that appears little 
and means a lot is having new folks 
come join us each week.
What a goodness to have
our first ever participation from Cameroon
this past week.
Welcome and Thanks!


Postings go online by mid-day Friday,
east coast USA time.
