Wednesday, May 4, 2022


Dear All of Us,

Taking the curve slowly 

I just turned 82.

I feel a lot like 

trucker and truck

moving on down 

the road of now in a 

1940 Chevy Pick Up  -

no claim to be a classic of course,

surprised to still be on the road,

more than a few rust spots,

slow to go but steady,

odometer overed, 

and overed, and overed.

And over those miles of years 

 "Been there, done that"

       lots of lots 

     good and bad, 

  graceful and sinful.

Now way on down the road,

slowed synapses and sinews

slow sight to a wider, fuller view.

A few such seeings:

Life is what it is and 

best embraced as such.

There is pain, there is pleasure.

There is sadness, there is joy.

So such.

Death opens to new life,

all kinds of each.

That goes for plants, planet, people,

pretty much everyone and everything. 

There is a grand growth going on,

an evolution of good.

Some days we get it.

Some days we miss it.

Some days we abuse it.

Some days we embrace it.

It goes on anyway.

It's Limitless Energy.

It presents in a constellation  

of forms and intensities.

Our metrics measure

but a miniscule smidgen of

     This Mystery

What we can't measure, 

figure, configure, control,

we can experience

climbing into 

The Cosmic Bed Of Love. 

Even better, just let God

carry us there.

           "God is Love" 

and that's just where God wants us 

so God can love the socks off us.

It's a right now to forever romp.

Hey, thanks for riding along 

with this old trucker.

        John Frank


   A sequel of sorts 

   to this posting

   is likely for about 

   a month from now.

   Hope to share a bit more 

   with an old man musings 

   on the life journey as one

   rounding it out.

   So far the title is


   and it is planned 

   for posting on May 25th.,

   but then in life, well,

   we'll see.


We're sure happy to welcome 

new folks here each week.

You are a blessing 

to our little community

here at

        frankly speaking

    spirituality for the street

Posted by mid-day Wednesday

East coast USA time

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   In love, prayer and care


        Keep on truck'n    
