Tuesday, September 10, 2024



Dear All of Us,

One of the first things 

most of us need  

to figure out 

each morning is

"What shall 

I ware today?"

Not me.

Never has been.

For the first half 

of my adult life 

it was 

required black, 

toe to top,

with a tiny 

window of white

fronting Adam's apple.

With a midlife

denominational reset

came a new uniform.

This one self-selected.


all the way and always.


khaki slacks,

light blue shirt, 

navy blue sweater.

Day in, day out.

Summers the sweater 

switched out for a

navy blue polo shirt.

Simple and durable

and that's how I hope

I am inside as well.

Whatever our daily garb,

we do well

to follow the fashion 

put forth by Paul.

  Colossians 3:12-14

   The Message

It's dress for success.

It's being dressed to the nines

and mighty more.

It's dress up - really UP.

It's how to address life, 

within and without.

It's putting on Christ in practice:

"So, chosen by God..." 

   - We are God selected. 

   - It doesn't get more special 

     and we really are! 

   - Talk about making the team!

   - Feel what that means!

"...for this new life of love,..."

     - This is a major change 

     of more than socks or status.

   - A completely new life, 

     top to bottom, 

     inside and out.

  - 100% made of Love 

     and that's divine 

    (God is love - 1 John 4:8)

"...dress in the wardrobe 

 God picked out for you: 

   - Clear out all the old closets 

     of attitude, approach, 

     value and action ware.

   - God has a whole new 

     life arrangement 


     arraignment for you.

  - Inside and out 

    be decked out 

    in what God has

    picked out for you.

  - Check it out.

  - Put it on.

   - It's a perfect fit 

   for the new you.


   - Get real close.

  - Feel what others are feeling.

  - A tight fit.

  - Get so close, 

    care so much, 

    that you'll be one 

    in God's Oneness.


  - Embrace our "kin"- ness.

  - We all have 

    the same DNA - God's.

 - "Do unto others as 

    you would have done 

    unto you" (Matthew 7:12) 

    because we are one,    

    because degrees of separation 

    are not core. 

    At worst they are 

    illusions of alienation. 

    At best they honor 

    uniqueness in unity.

    We are woven one.


  - We're all made of 

     the same humus and

     in the same image of God.

  - Live a circle, never a pyramid.

  - That deserves 

    more than a second look:

    Live a circle, never a pyramid. 

"...quiet strength,..." 

  - It's a tight weave, durable.

  - "I can do all things in him 

     who strengthens me." 

       (Philippians 4:13)

  - No bombast or posturing required.

"... discipline..." 

  - Never a know it all.

  - A life learner -

   (L)"disciplina" learning.

  - Learn the way and walk it.

  - Appropriate, disciplined measure 

    in all things.

"...Be even-tempered,..." 

    - Steady as we go.

    - That way we'll get 

      where we need to go.

   - No flash floods or outbursts 

     in attitude or behavior.

" ...content with second place,.."

   - There is no such thing 

     in a circle of unity.

   - Growth is from the bottom up

     in that circle of unity.

   - "The first shall be last and

      the last shall be first." 

        (Matthew 20:16)

   - linier living 

       (Me first, you last")

       needs to get 

      straightened out to 

      circular oneness -

      product paradox.


"...quick to forgive an offense. 

Forgive as quickly and 

completely as 

the Master forgave you."

     - Forgive - "give for" the other 

       what was lost,

       ripped out in the hurt.

     - Develop a quick reflex for it.

     - No pauses that don't refresh.

     - No half measures. 

     - Half a bridge 

       doesn't do it. 

     - Nothing halfhearted.

       Half a heart is dead.

    - Check out Jesus and 

       check into his quick, 

       complete forgiveness.

   - To get out of a ditch 

     and back on the road 

     a car needs a complete 

     set of four tires. 

     Only complete does it.

    - no loose threads 

      in our threads.

"...And regardless of 

what else you put on, 

wear love. It's your basic, 

all-purpose garment. 

Never be without it."

 - "God is love" (1 John 4:8)

 - Be all wrapped up in it.

 - It's so basic 

   that without it 

   anything we put on 

   is like putting on 

   a scarf when we are 

   buck naked.

- Love is all purpose, 

  all weather. 

- Ware love. It's woven of 

  recognition, respect, 

  care, unity.

- It never wares out

  and you won't either.


Hey, we are going

to look so good, 

so well put together

because we sure 

know how to




      Tuesday Afternoon/Evening

      East Coast USA Time

      September 17. 2024





       September 20, 2024



       frankly speaking

   spirituality for the street


A special Hello to the group from


that blessed us with their presence

this week.




scrolling down below

   this posting


for passing on

frankly speaking.

I's a big help and 

much appreciated.

Really neat to be with 

such well dressed folks.

See you next week.

    Love to all.

    God Bless,

   John Frank





Tuesday, September 3, 2024



Dear All of Us,

How do we react

when we are told 

what to do -


Probable it's a variant

of the First Couple's:


We just go ahead and

munch on the apple.

It might be overt.

It might be

passive /aggressive,

but operationally,

attitudinally, it's


We just don't like 

to be told what to do.

So, here comes Jesus

telling us what to do,

commanding it:

"If you love me,

you will keep my 


   John 14:13

Polite piety aside,

is Jesus 

playing the heavy,

pulling rank, 

being transactional?

We need to check this out

so we don't 

check out on Jesus.

It's a stretch from today's 

meaning of commandment

("I'm in charge. Get in line!")

to the deepest, 

purest meaning 

of commandment:

(L) com = with, together

(L) manus =hand

(L) dare= to give


   give our hands together


   "Together, hand in hand"


What a check out!

Jesus inviting:

         "If you really love me, 

          if we really are one,

          if we're really in love,

          we are walking life 


          - hand in hand -

          minefields, meadows, 

          smooth stretches, 

          rough rutted, 

          steep climbs, 

          deep down lows,

          dead ends, detours, 

          familiar, frightening,

          straight aways, 

          twisted windy,


          I only have one

          way for us

          to do life together,

          to go together

          hand in hand,

          I only have one



           It's who I am.

           and how I am

           and we can be.

           It's our merger, 




        That's our stride.

        That's our energy.

        That's our direction.

        That's our destination.

        We're gonna love, 

        love the socks off each other,

        every person, place, thing

        in every neighborhood, 

        in all Creation,

        loving to be who we are.

              HERE'S MY





      Tuesday Afternoon/Evening

       East Coast USA

       September 10, 2024



        September 13, 2024


If we are new here,

if we are regulars here,

it's God Good 

to be together here at

       frankly speaking

   spirituality for the street





 scrolling down below 

      this posting

For those who like the

    old-time hymns,

    let's give a go with



  (Hand In Hand)

Have a good week.

Looking forward to 

our next "together"  


    Love to all,

    God Bless, 

    John Frank
