Dear All of Us,
One of the first things
most of us need
to figure out
each morning is
"What shall
I ware today?"
Not me.
Never has been.
For the first half
of my adult life
it was
required black,
toe to top,
with a tiny
window of white
fronting Adam's apple.
With a midlife
denominational reset
came a new uniform.
This one self-selected.
all the way and always.
khaki slacks,
light blue shirt,
navy blue sweater.
Day in, day out.
Summers the sweater
switched out for a
navy blue polo shirt.
Simple and durable
and that's how I hope
I am inside as well.
Whatever our daily garb,
we do well
to follow the fashion
put forth by Paul.
Colossians 3:12-14
The Message
It's dress for success.
It's being dressed to the nines
and mighty more.
It's dress up - really UP.
It's how to address life,
within and without.
It's putting on Christ in practice:
"So, chosen by God..."
- We are God selected.
- It doesn't get more special
and we really are!
- Talk about making the team!
- Feel what that means!
"...for this new life of love,..."
- This is a major change
of more than socks or status.
- A completely new life,
top to bottom,
inside and out.
- 100% made of Love
and that's divine
(God is love - 1 John 4:8)
"...dress in the wardrobe
God picked out for you:
- Clear out all the old closets
of attitude, approach,
value and action ware.
- God has a whole new
life arrangement
arraignment for you.
- Inside and out
be decked out
in what God has
picked out for you.
- Check it out.
- Put it on.
- It's a perfect fit
for the new you.
- Get real close.
- Feel what others are feeling.
- A tight fit.
- Get so close,
care so much,
that you'll be one
in God's Oneness.
- Embrace our "kin"- ness.
- We all have
the same DNA - God's.
- "Do unto others as
you would have done
unto you" (Matthew 7:12)
because we are one,
because degrees of separation
are not core.
At worst they are
illusions of alienation.
At best they honor
uniqueness in unity.
We are woven one.
- We're all made of
the same humus and
in the same image of God.
- Live a circle, never a pyramid.
- That deserves
more than a second look:
Live a circle, never a pyramid.
"...quiet strength,..."
- It's a tight weave, durable.
- "I can do all things in him
who strengthens me."
(Philippians 4:13)
- No bombast or posturing required.
"... discipline..."
- Never a know it all.
- A life learner -
(L)"disciplina" learning.
- Learn the way and walk it.
- Appropriate, disciplined measure
in all things.
"...Be even-tempered,..."
- Steady as we go.
- That way we'll get
where we need to go.
- No flash floods or outbursts
in attitude or behavior.
" ...content with second place,.."
- There is no such thing
in a circle of unity.
- Growth is from the bottom up
in that circle of unity.
- "The first shall be last and
the last shall be first."
(Matthew 20:16)
- linier living
(Me first, you last")
needs to get
straightened out to
circular oneness -
product paradox.
"...quick to forgive an offense.
Forgive as quickly and
completely as
the Master forgave you."
- Forgive - "give for" the other
what was lost,
ripped out in the hurt.
- Develop a quick reflex for it.
- No pauses that don't refresh.
- No half measures.
- Half a bridge
doesn't do it.
- Nothing halfhearted.
Half a heart is dead.
- Check out Jesus and
check into his quick,
complete forgiveness.
- To get out of a ditch
and back on the road
a car needs a complete
set of four tires.
Only complete does it.
- no loose threads
in our threads.
"...And regardless of
what else you put on,
wear love. It's your basic,
all-purpose garment.
Never be without it."
- "God is love" (1 John 4:8)
- Be all wrapped up in it.
- It's so basic
that without it
anything we put on
is like putting on
a scarf when we are
buck naked.
- Love is all purpose,
all weather.
- Ware love. It's woven of
recognition, respect,
care, unity.
- It never wares out
and you won't either.
Hey, we are going
to look so good,
so well put together
because we sure
know how to
Tuesday Afternoon/Evening
East Coast USA Time
September 17. 2024
September 20, 2024
frankly speaking
spirituality for the street
A special Hello to the group from
that blessed us with their presence
this week.
scrolling down below
this posting
for passing on
frankly speaking.
I's a big help and
much appreciated.
Really neat to be with
such well dressed folks.
See you next week.
Love to all.
God Bless,
John Frank