Tuesday, September 24, 2024



Dear All of Us,

I'm eighty-four and

I'm having a red hot


     YES I AM





Can't get enough of it!!

I realize that might 

surprise you, and that in

more than one way,

am I right?  Hum?

        Ta Ta Now!

Well, it's the 

God's honest hottest truth.

And yes, my wife knows 

all about it and 

she encourages it.

Now before you try to call 

Dr. Ruth Westheimer 

back from the beyond

to interpret a tinky 

old man's coupling,

let me do some 

explaining about this


I had nothing to do 

with starting it.


I was nothing.

I wasn't.

And then 


started me,

shared itself as me,

has been luring me

ever since and unabatedly 

into a completeness, a 


hotter and tighter than 

on anybody's bed in all history.

It took me awhile 

to catch on and 

start to say yes.

It was warm wonderful,

that graduated to off 

the charts past hot.

Sometimes I stupidly 

left the love chamber

responding to the

    Call of Cold


    apart from 


That meant alone,

naked in frigid darkness.



just waited and wanted, 

welcoming me hot back,

no questions asked,

passionate embrace


If all this strikes you 

as a bit much,

let me lovingly lean on you.

It is more than a bit much.

It is much more, it's more

on its way to endless 


At eighty-four 

I see it, I say it 

like never before.

It's so simple.

"God is love."

1 John 4:8







The only way God 


    has been 


      will be 


Bible writers, theologians, 

spiritual guru's, preachers 

      - and me here -

always understate, misstate

the marvel that is 


Too often all sorts of 

angers to pettiness 

are projected onto


At best we God Talkers

only catch a ray of the sun.


       LOVE ITSELF  

is the dynamic of existence.

It is the only thing that is.

Everything and all are a wrap in. 

The only thing God knows 

        how to do is 


The very etymology of 


    from the Latin is

         ad = to

         facere = to do, to make

  All God wants "to do" is

           have an 


         MAKE LOVE



As for us, we do sometimes 

mess up, pervert the purity of

         LOVE ITSELF

We misconstrue, misdirect

The Energy of the Universe

We screw up

us, other, planet.

That's anything that 

is not pure love.

We all know it: 

- me before you and over you, 

- twisting people and nature 

  to our isolated and 

  isolating selfishness,

- suckering into faux realities 

  such as grabbing 

  power and privilege,

- tolerating, even supporting, 

  the slaughter of multitudes 

  used as fodder between hatreds,

- settling for surface satisfaction 

  rather than substantive, 

  solid goodness -

- living excess costing 

  people and planet poverty

- gotta be the center of things 

  rather than swinging and swaying 

  with people and place in the 

          Dance of Existence


               Love itself 

It gets so real 

and really good 

   - So God -

when we do accept 

Our Lover's embrace:

rocking a baby to sleep,

enjoying a good meal,

working our toes and 

all other parts off raising a family,

letting our gifts pour out for others,

calling out evils new or old such as 

anti-Gospel white nationalism,

"My country, right or wrong"

    (sadly a direct quote 

     of Cardinal Spellman),

- taking no more than I need in life

  so that others may have a life,

- making life a party for others 

  rather than dragging them to 

  a wake of war and all sorts of it,

- taking hits for others,

- speaking up, paying up,

          voting up 


  people and ecojustice,

- being marinated in Scripture,

- merging with others 

  in Christian community 

          so real it's 

  a Holy Communion in


- regularly closing the door of busy

  and opening the door intimate

  to naked inter-penetrating


Sitting here typing to you just now

I am, as old men often are - cold.

So I just put an Irish wool throw

over my knees.

That's a material presence, 

       embrace of


Once we catch on that



that is essentially good 

     is a moment, 

   is a motion in our

    Love Making



At eighty-four, both 

the calendar and body

signal the soon breakout 


      Divinely All 

Between now and when

I intend to go wild in 

   God's Love Bed


    everyday life.

Let's all pile in.

It's meant to be 

one heaven of an 



If you're up for a much better,

in fact, a divinely inspired

version of all this,

do spend heart and time with

   The Song of Songs

I recommend the version in

      The Message


It's titled there as

The Song of Soloman

It's hot stuff!

It's free online.

Here's a trailer:

"Restless in bed and 

 sleepless through the night, 

 I longed for my lover..."

     Chapter 3 Verse One

"...I'm a walled-in virgin still,

     but my breasts are full -

     And when my lover sees me,

     he knows he'll soon be satisfied."

            Chapter 8, verse10


     Told you so!

     Hey, in all my years 

     I've never heard such 

     read in church.




Tuesday Afternoon/Evening

East Coast USA Time

October 1, 2024



October 4, 2024

The Feast Day of 

St. Francis.

He lived Jesus so simply,

so lovingly, so completely.

Lots of new friends joined in 

with us this week,

lots as in double 

our usual gathering.

What a goodness!

They are from many 

peoples and places 

around our global village.

Especially numerous 

were many from my 

home place, the 


    and from the 

United Kingdom

      and from


      and from 


To one and many



       frankly speaking

   spirituality for the street





       scrolling down 

   beneath this posting.

       Praying us all a





  as we accept ever more 

       the embrace of 

         LOVE ITSELF

                What an 


    See you next week.

          Love to all.

          God bless,

         John Frank
