Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Dear All of Us,

It's really good.

Thank God there are

so many fine folk

generously intent on

social and planetary justice.

They work hard for us

and our world.

These noble souls 

do make a change 

for the better, 

lots of them, actually.

Regrettably, though, 

such good efforts 

can't make possible 

radical righting 

in society and 

for our planet.

It’s like trimming 

wilted leaves

off a rotten, 

dying tree.

The only thing 

that will save 

peoples and planet

is a genuine, 


change of heart 

by the populus.

That means 


spiritual reset.

Huge changes 

would flow from it:

attitudinal, lifestyle, 

allocation of recourses, 

embracing diversity, 

priority given to 

The Common Good, 

economic and 

civic parity, 

reordered and 

realized community, 

converting spears 

into plowshares

 - loving people 

   and planet.

I believe in miracles.

I pray that we all 

keep right at it

working for 

social and planetary

justice and health.

And I also doubt 

the populus 

is willing for the

change of heart 


They prefer 

to keep watering

that dying tree 

rather than uproot it 

and plant a completely 

new and health tree.

Put another way, the

military-industrial complex, 

media meanness/madness,

the haves and too bad

for the have nots, 

polluted power politics,


white nationalism,


systemic racism,

gated communities 

of head and heart

will trump 

goodness and real,

will foil and fowl  

Good and Godly Ways.

Our societal structure 

is designed by and for 

the benefit of Empire.

While many of us work

to care for 

people and planet, 

Empire has 

steel strangle hold 

on the

values, structures, 

and operation 

of society and 

our treatment 

of planet.

It is degraded,


thinking, doing, 

and abusing.

It is power and opulence 

for an elite

less than one percent.

It is bread and circus 

for their middle-class 

support system.

It is crumbs for the poor.

It is devastating, 


squalor and scraps

for vast million



Establishment Religion 

has failed.

Mostly it has signed on as 

chaplain to Empire.

We carefully read 

the Gospels. 

Not much of that 

shows up in 

Establishment Religion.

The Beatitudes 

don't make it 

off the biblical page 

to communal and 

prevailing attitudes 

much less 

substantive actions.

Establishment Religion

does not have a heart 

for a radical change of heart 

and all that it would mean.

Too invested and comfy.


For all of that, 

there’s a heaven of 

a lot more and better.

Jesus pointed us in prayer 

for right and real:

  “Thy Kingdom come 

    on earth 

    as it is in heaven.”

    Matthew 6:9-10

Well, it has!

The Father answered

and is answering 

that prayer.

From Jesus 

into our now 

many much 

have embraced 

Kingdom Life.

They are living 

the alternate to and 

opposite of Empire.

It is real community 

living actually 

and practically

living Jesus -  

what and how 


lived, taught 

and initiated.

It is a 

  Lived Love 


God, neighbor 

    and self.

It is embracing 

Beatitude Attitude 

and putting it into play.

It is the

Sermon on the Mount

actualized at work and home.

It is people gathered, bonded,  

in deeply loving and caring 

Christian community,

warts and all.

It is people doing to others 

as they sure hope 

others would to them.

It is constant companionship 

with Jesus and the Father, 

for real "abiding" in each other,

tight togetherness.

It is a "pearl" of great price 

at the cost of all they have.

It is a no-notice "seed" 

springing up 

to towering fullness.

It is being last, ending first.

It is greatness 

   being servant of all.

It is Passover anew.

It is loving enemies.

It is living as family.

It is sharing and supporting 

    people, place and planet.

It is a vibrant



of all Creation.

It is taking a pass 

on judging others and 

getting a pass 

on being judged.

It's together being 

counter cultural, 

with each one of us

supporting all in that.

It is a readiness for 

the Master’s return.

It is caring for 

the least and the lost.

It is full Gospel living.

It is people welcoming 

the promised 

Rush of the Spirit.

         It is

 “Thy Kingdom come” 

      that has.

It is light in 

the midst of dark.

It is life giving 

in the midst of 

death dealing.

It is community in Christ,

   real, practical, 

   accepting and supporting

   each and all in a 



It is hope 

lifting above despair.

It is home and way of life.

It's here and now.

It is working for 

a just society and 

a healthy planet.

It is our real residence. 

It is God's




"I have set before you 

life and death, 

blessings and curses.

Now choose life, 

so that you and 

your children 

may live 

and you may love 

the Lord your God..."

Deuteronomy 30:19


Tuesday Afternoon/Evening

September 24,2024

East Cast USA Time




September 27, 2024

        frankly speaking

    spirituality for the street





scrolling down beneath 

     this posting.

Thanks for our

time together.

It so good

for all of us

from many 

lands and ways  

to connect and 

share here. 

Every week 

we welcome

first time visitors.

Among them this week 

was a large group from 

      Hong Kong 

   A Warm Welcome 

         to you 

       and to all.

No matter our address, 

may we all be

Kingdom Resident.

Have a good week.

Love to all.

God Bless,

John Frank