Just a few weeks ago
we started a new
and briefer format
for "frankly speaking"
and here we are this week
with the same old same old
longer format.
It was supposed to be history by now.
WELL, I just plain got carried away.
You know, old pastors never die.
We just keep talking too much!!
However, what follows
needs to be said.
It is critical to being
at all spiritually real.
It's also a front burner matter
in these days of
societal deterioration.
We dare not miss it,
hard as it often is
to see and live it.
Thanks for your
patience stretch!!
If you missed the posting
about the new format,
just scroll down online
through this one
October 12, 2022.
Dear All of Us,
Remember the comedian,
Rodney Dangerfield:
"Can't get no respect"?
He was pretty funny,
but the lack of respect isn't.
It's debilitating.
It cuts the legs out
from under everything
It means a whole lot more than
"Nice, Nice!"
It is a vital dimension
of our spiritual wholeness.
It means to keep looking
until we see all the way into
what is before us
Latin: re = again and again
spectare = to look
we look again and again
until we really see center.
Surface sight sells short.
We miss what's at the core.
We fail to fully connect,
much less commune.
That goes for how others see us
and for how we see others.
It is wondrously unitive
when we are "seen"
for whom we are - respected.
Same such for how we see all other -
peoples, plants, places, phenomena,
the profusion of
puppy dogs to planets
is to
Deep See
core and cause of all
present, manifest,
substance of the subject seen
and seeing our oneness there in
The Limitless Good
we call
(Yep, a second read
of the above
might be best here!)
Seeing to center is to see
The Center.
Seeing to The Center
is the way and place of
Peace and Unity,
in fact the only
way and place
peace and unity.
Because we are so distracted,
often to blindness,
by busy, pride, fear, grasping,
misinformation misguiding multitudes
- all sorts of surface stuff -
we need to see again and again
until we Deep See
the Love Energy
that is God
uniquely creative,
wondrously present
at the core of all,
there welcoming us into
Divine Unity.
So, we "see" again and again
with all our senses,
with Soul Sense Sight,
all that we have.
That goes for what
we initially "see" as attractive.
That goes for what
we initially "see" as repulsive.
It means to keep looking
until we see all the way into
what is before us
and see ourselves as
one at the core
The Center
drawing us into
the embrace of
unity and peace.
We keep seeing until we see God
in the last rose of summer.
We keep seeing until we see God
in Donald Trump.
For some people
Seeing God in the rose comes easy.
Seeing God in an old man
who is reported to still be basically
a little boy deeply deformed by his father,
one who doesn't seem to see it himself,
and who is deforming The Common Good,
well, that takes a lotta looking!!
They need to "re - spectare"
until they see past his hurt and his hurting
and "spectare" his GodCore
and our oneness there.
Only this way can there be
unity and peace.
Now, Real Respect does not mean
to overlook, deny, discount evil.
It does mean to see God
at the Center of all that is -
the Shannondoah Mountains,
a dinner party with friends,
beautiful babies, Proud Boys
and other bad boys in politics,
governance, corporate
and religious dominance.
We reverence and rejoice
at the good, the true,
and the beautiful.
If we see evil and injustice
at first and many more glances,
we keep at it till we see center,
but the evil we name,
we challenge to change.
We "see it" it like Jesus:
"I'm telling you
to love your enemies.
Let them bring out
the best in you,
not the worst.
When someone
gives you a hard time,
respond with
the energies of prayer,
for then you are working out
of your true selves,
your God-centered selves.
This is what God does.
He gives his best - ...
to everyone, regardless:
the good and the bad,
the nasty and the nice...
Live out your God-centered identity...
the way God lives toward you."
Matthew 5:44-48
The Message
"Live out your God-centered identity."
We see to center and love.
If we see evil
before we get
to the core, we
"...respond with the energies of prayer,"
empowered to right wrong.
Deep See
the only way to
union and peace.
See You!!
John Frank
A Full Fall Welcome To All
frankly speaking
spirituality for the street
a weekly offering
Greetings and Welcome To All.
A special welcome
to the group of visitors this week
from the Netherlands.
Great to be together here!
In old age I've shortened a couple of inches.
Will work at doing that with the format here.
Thanks for your patience.
Looking forward to "seeing" you next week.