Dear All of Us,
In my younger years
there was the quip that
The New York Times published
"All the News That's Fit to Print"
and tabloid, The New York Daily News,
published all the news that would fit.
Well, now at the other
and far end of my earth stay,
I hope from time to time to
share here selected jottings
from a legacy work
I am currently developing.
It is entitled END NOTES.
I sure hope they are fit to print.
They come from one old man's
spiritual road trip - straight aways,
dead ends, spin outs and find outs.
What is shared certainly
isn't normative.
It's reflective.
It is what it is as it is.
May it a bit or more
clarify, inform, caution,
encourage and support
your spiritual road trip out here on
the street of everyday life.
What follows are
the first two entries.
I'd be grateful to hear back your take.
Well, and may it be so, here goes!
A lot of time and soul
has gone into beginning this -
musing, praying, thinking,
wondering, waiting, taking counsel.
The teacher, pastor, parent,
counsellor, elder in me urges here.
Hopefully The Spirit as well,
and if so, well it will be.
some "notes"
at the "end"
of my earth life.
May it end on a good note.
May these notes contribute to that.
There is a why and a what to this.
I share here in the hope that
a little of this may clarify and encourage
as others go about the living of their days.
I do not know all that much.
I do know some.
Here is some of some.
It comes propelled by love.
Having lived
eighty-three years thus far,
so, so much has happened.
Some wonderful.
Some terrible.
Most somewhere in-between:
up and down and all around,
real, unreal, genuine,
phony, right, wrong, good, bad,
holy, sinful, spot on, off center.
May my minuses and pluses
shared here tally up
to clarify and encourage
Two last notes about these notes.
I am as honest as
I know how these days.
What's here is
unvarnished, unbleached.
Always I've had to tame my words
to the tolerance level of institution
and the people in it.
That's how it is
when one goes public
and take a salary for it.
Sometimes that's prudent.
Sometimes that's cowardly.
Here now, this is as it is with me.
It's personal and I pray pure.
There is one caveat.
Nothing is shared here
that violates another's privacy.
Like all of us I have had
relationships galore,
close to casual.
Most of them have been
a blessing.
Some not so.
Some ended gently, some painfully.
Some continue to this day.
I share here the me of those,
never the other of them.
I confess to being blessed
and being a blessing.
I confess to just the opposite.
Others have helped me.
Others have hurt me.
I have helped others.
I have hurt others.
Gratitude for good.
Sorrow and repentance
for the not good.
As our Jewish friends say,
"Enough already."
Let's begin with
the beginning and with the end.
Actually there are none such.
There is
Always Just Now
Simple Oneness.
Sure, from our limited vantage
there are the bookends
of beginning and end.
The Alpha and The Omega.
Isaiah and John word their talk
about it that way.
They accommodate
our limit and linear think.
Our motion and measurement
are an immediacy within
the expanse of Infinity's
Always Just Now
Simple Oneness
They are like steps in a vigorous
Divine Dance.
They are a dynamic of the Whole,
of the
Whole Now.
Isaiah, John, multitudes
and measurements more,
give us a beginning and end
that usher us into
the timeless Now that has none.
They are good as far as they go.
Happily, it goes infinitely more.
Non-Started, Non-Stopping.
Simple Oneness.
Right Now Always.
All of which is to reference
in our limited way
we sense and see,
in which we find
ourselves and all else,
Jesus, Buddha, mystics many,
urge us to
We don't discover God.
We wake up to God.
That goes for us
as persons and as a people.
We all are just beginning
to wake up, to find ourselves
Right Now
in the swirl of
How good to dance together
here at
frankly speaking
spirituality for the street
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with our first visit from
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Wednesday Mornings
East Coast USA time
You all are much in heart and prayer.
Looking forward to our gathering here
next week.
In the meantime and all the time,
We Dance On!
It's wondrously
Love to all.
John Frank