Wednesday, November 22, 2023


Dear All of Us,

So, come on now.

Fess up.

What's your favorite sin?


You have more than one?

Yah, me too.

We all do -

individually and collectively.

Really messes things up.

Mostly we just don't want 

to know about it, 

much less talk about it.

Well, let's anyway.

"Confession is good for the soul",

 granted not much fun for sure.


Talk about sin is 

a hard sell these days.

We want feel good,

"nice, nice" spirituality,

 cushy comfy living



The simple reality


       is that 

spirituality is about 

   what actually 



    what can be,

    up or down

Sin "IS."

Sin is a



That's  stink'n sad certain.

Way more certainly,

life is meant to be 

vibrantly more than 

cushy, comfy,

inane existence.

We can be freed from both

for infinitely more.

That's being saved,

if we face and accept

what sin is and 

what can be in better-stead.

When I was a kid 

in the 40's and early 50's,

things were the other way round.

We were not only sin sensitive, 

we were sin soaked.

Sin made the top 

of the top ten played 

in most churches. 

While lying and stealing

got attention, the real 


centered in our body, 

  our center zone,

and how we delt with it

"In thought, word or deed,"

   "alone or with other."

The church's favorite was

           SEX SIN

That fixation on frailty 

obscured focus on our

isolating self-centeredness

that morphed into a global




    The First Folks 

     suckered into 

     a try at being 

  the center of things.

They couldn't 

hold it together, 

hold steady, 

centered real.

It didn't work.

It worked havoc on them, 

on us their children 

through the ages,

and for all about us 

in Creation.

That First Family was 


off center.

Paradise lost, 

hard labor.

One First Brother 

murders the other 

They and we germinated 

a virus that effects, infects.

to this day.

We call it sin.

They and now we,

their inheritors

and the Creation 

we are charged 

to care for,

live a



That's sin.

On top of that,

as noted above,

these days facing sex sin 

and pretty much

and kind of sin is mostly

not the done thing.

We explain it away,

as primitive myth about   

unnecessary worry 

and weighty guilt.

That will be our undoing


      We don't get 


  if we don't face sin.

   Let's check it out.


Angel to Joseph:

    "...and you are 

    to give him 

   the name Jesus,


he will save the people 

    from their sins." 

    (Mathew 1:21)

Translation Trouble

Our word Jesus 

doesn't say it 

at all accurately.

We're short changed.

The English name  


   comes from 

the Greek translation 

of the Hebrew name 

recorded in 

the divine scriptures.

        What's in 

that original scripture 



   Joshua means 


Here's the point 

on the pencil:

Joshua is the

  God given 




It's who Joshua 

is and what 

he is among us 

to do -

           SAVE US


 the disorder and distress 



 every miserable speck 

             of it,

        SAVE US







    Off center,

the world still spins,

but it wabbles.

We lose our footing. 

We stumble.

We crash and collide:

- truth is destabilized

as is the Common Good, 

- racism roils

- anger attacks

- separatism fractures,

- religion goes flaccid

- junk food goes

on the table

and in the mind

- an excess of moshy flab  -  

body and spirit

- the needy neglected

the pure polluted -

air, water, soil,

- the failure of limiting

The Right To Life

to the unborn and

sanctioning slaughter later,

aborting life after birth -

war, starvation. poverty, 

gun mania, capital punishment

- unrestrained individualism

leaves isolating crowds 

of loneliness

- life commercialized,

it's richness 

drained dry dull

- and so sin spirals us

    off center

 out of control,

pained and paining.



   God Reality


     of what is


 personal present 

 in the mix with us 

 to center and stabilize. 

He sets us 

right and real

by incorporating us

into himself,

sharing with us 

who he is and 

how he is.


      SAVES US

from the destabilized, 


that pitches us wrong

and wronging.

Much and many 

all about us are 

spun out of control 

It's a sin!

It hurts like hell.

It is hell!

United and centered in


 "The Lord saves"

     we are his 

  presence, person, 


centering and stabilizing:

- we live a simplified lifestyle

  so others can have a life to live,

- we face emerging fascism 

  with a love centered openness 

  to all people,

  delighting in diversity,

  free and freeing,

  busy with the weave of unity.

- we find ways 

  to gentle jarred nature

  back to wholesome

  freshness and fecundity.

- we gather as 

  The Body of Christ

  to share care and community.

- we live in contemplative intimacy

  with The Love Who Is God.

- we decern both our

  circumstance and abilities 

  in tandem with discerning 

  the needs of the people and place 

  where we are 

  as we share extravagantly. 

- we refuse the false flooring 

  of media that maddens and 

  consumption that consumes.

- we stretch and strive 

  for social justice

  even at the price of 

  pocketbook or popularity.


          we center





In the days and ways ahead

     please consider the

        Ponder Prayer

         that follows.

     May it help us hear 

     deeper and dearer


    to centering intimacy.


       A Harvest Welcome

     to all joining in with us

     for the first time here at

         frankly speaking

    spirituality for the street


Each Wednesday Morning

East Coast USA time


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the current online posting


Delivered Fridays

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Soul Stilled Peaceful,

we hear at our center

Joshua's desire 

to be intimate with us, 

for us to be intimate with him,



    "Live in me.

     Make your home in me 

     just as I do in you...

     I've loved you 

     the way my Father 

     has loved me.

     Make yourself at home 

     in my love."

           John 15: 4 & 9

           The Message

Joshua does not say 

live "with" me.

That would be close.

Joshua wants more.

Joshua wants intimacy, 

more than even 

marital intimacy.

Joshua wants us 



our life within his.

Joshua wants us

centered in him,

    "At home" 

       in him

      and he 

 centered in us,

  "At Home"

     in us

just the way it is 

with him and 

The Father.

That is so deep, 

so divine,

it cannot be described, 

but only experienced.

We are welcome  

and wanted at 

God's Center.

That "centers" us 

and we together our world.

Bonaventure said that 

God's center is everywhere 

and his circumference nowhere.

There are not limits

inward or outward.

That's being centered ,

"saved' from the 

off centeredness of sin -

ours and the worlds.

What do you say?

Our "saying" is 

our spiritual life.

May it be truly a

      Centering Prayer


How do we go about 

living this centeredness,

this intimacy?

         "I am 

          the way, 

          the truth and 

          the life."

         (John 14:6)

We go about life the way 

the historical Joshua did.

The particulars are different

in time, place and culture.

The truth, the life lived 

is one and the same.

To discern we open wide to

the impulse of the Spirit.

We do that in personal prayer.

We do that as "The Gathered",

(English for "ecclesia" - church).

We live out the value system, 

the teachings of Joshua

in our time and place.

Slow Soul Soaking 

in the Gospels is


We adapt the 

words and way of Joshua

to how we spend time,

work, pray, serve,

interact, eat and drink, 

drive, bank, buy, treat others,

love, forgive, and...


We plumb and lift to our living:

    "In him we live 

     and move 

     and have our being."

        (Acts 17:28)

     " is no longer 

      I who live, 

     but Christ 

     lives in me..."

      (Galatians 2:20)

      " ...I came that 

      they might have life, 

      and have it abundantly."

          (John 10:10)


May you and yours have a joyous


              Love to all

             John Frank
