Dear All of Us,
A shout out,
They sure are.
And they sure enliven.
Not perfectly
nor completely
but quite really.
Aplenty and
all about are these
Saints Alive
They have lots of holes
in their person and living,
gaps that weaken
the weave of
self and society,
The Wholeness of Cration,
Of God Real Rightness.
Not letter perfect,
there's nothing close to
"Goody Two Shoes"
about them,
They miss fire and mess up.
Recognizing those holes,
they also recognize
and work to accept
the cleanup,
the lift up
the fix up
of God's
Redeeming Recreation.
They jump in with God
to work, to weave whole
the fabric of existence for
self, society, all Creation.
Saints Alive
live in all sorts of settings.
That's where
God meets them
and they
be that
poverty, plenty,
ordinary, extraordinary,
healthy, ill,
peaceful, conflicted.
They are shaded sexual
in a rainbow.
Some "heady"
Some more "hearty"
Some urban,
others suburban,
town and country
Some progressive,
some traditional.
It's all rather sacred.
in Latin means
Saints accept the sacred
the flow of Good
we call God
in and through
They go with it.
It is their essence.
It is their animation.
It is their mission.
They partner,
they parent,
they are single,
they drive trucks,
they take care of children,
they farm,
they teach,
they are chefs and tour guides,
they manage media,
they are EMT's,
they are retired.
They are...
Wherever they are,
whatever they do,
they weave whole,
fresh new or refreshed.
They do God
in their place and way.
They mingle and merge
lovingly, cooperatively,
creatively, energetically
with all present in their now,
people, plants to planets
All Creation
in their span of now.
Live God
God is Love
Saints Alive Live Love
"Love never gives up.
Love cares more for
others than for itself.
Love doesn't want
what it does not have.
Love doesn't strut,
Doesn't have a swelled head,
Doesn't force itself on others,
Isn't always 'me first,'
Doesn't fly off the handle,
Doesn't keep score of
the sins of others,
Doesn't revel
when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in
the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end...
Trust steadily in God,
hope unswervingly,
love extravagantly.
And the best of the three is
1 Corinthians:13: 4-7 & 13
The Message
They are you!
Happy All Saints Every Day
We're a bunch of
sinners and saints.
Wonderful that together here
we learn and live
frankly speaking
spirituality for the street
a weekly
Wednesday mornings
East Coast USA time
Please scroll down
beneath the online posting
Each Friday
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Here's to a wonderful
Love Life
See you next week
God Bless,
John Frank